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I quickly grabbed my books from my locker. I was already on the verge of being late to Spanish class and I didn't want to hear Mrs.Lopez yell at me even more then she already does. I turned around and I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" I yelled to a guy I bumped into.

"Next time watch it idiot." He spat out at me. I wanted to hit him with a scooter on the ankle. Mhm, I went there.

"She said sorry Kyle." I Heard a familiar voice yell. I looked over only to see Cameron. I was shocked he even got involved.

"Whatever." Is all that Kyle dude said everyone knows not to mess with Cameron he'd turn someone into roadkill.

"Thanks Cameron." I said quietly.

"It's whatever." He shrugged sweeping his hair to the side.

"So Cameron what class do you have next?"

"Not your business." He said his icy blue eyes staring into my green ones.

"Would it kill you to be nice for once?" I asked still having my eyes on his.

"Yes in fact I'm slowly dying just talking to you goodbye granny." With that he walked off. I started to walk to Spanish class I was already 5 minutes late. Oops...

"Vivian take a seat Next to Cameron." Ms.Lopez said calmly pointing to an empty seat smack next to Cameron moving her glasses up. Great! Just great.. (Note the sarcasm.)

"Yes Ma'am." I said and sat down.

"Oh hey Grandma." Cameron looked at me. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Ignoring me? Wow I thought I just saved your life back there."

"Saved my life? Kyle wasn't even gonna lay a finger on me and-"

"Because I was there." He winked and I rolled my eyes again. He was getting on my last nerve. I just zoned him out and payed attention to the lesson.

I'm home!" I yelled searching everywhere for my mom but, I still couldn't find her.

"Kitchen." My mom simply said.

"Hey so-" I cut myself off and looked at her eyes red and puffy. Why had she been crying? "What happened?"

"I got fired today Viv." Is all she said.

"I'm sorry mom but, why would they fire you your one of the best lawyers out there."

"Apparently they had to fire 5 of us and I was one of them 5." I went over and hugged her.

"Hey I can get a job and-"

"Vivian Lynn Walker you need to focus on school and having fun not work." She said sternly I knew to listen to her when she used my full name.

"Okay mom.." I walked upstairs to my room. I felt a buzz in my pocket and realized it was my phone. "Hello?"

"Hello grandma."

"Peter griffin how did you get my number?" I realized Cameron called me.

"I have my ways and anyway, meet me at the park from before." The line went dead. I threw on my green Vans and went downstairs. Was I really gonna listen to him? A little part of me said to stay home but, the other part said to go and I always listened to that part. I called it my trouble part. Besides, I can start my plan to change the bully. Right?


"Well hello Grandma I didn't think you'd come." He smirked.

"Yeah yeah so what is it?"

"I need a favor."

"That is..?" I folded my arms a crossed my chest and tapped my foot.

"I want you to-" He looked at his feet and paused for a second. He actually looked nervous! The Cameron Johnson N-E-R-V-O-U-S!
"I want you to be my friend?"

I was beyond shocked. All this time he pushed me around since middle school and now he wants to be my friend what shocked me more were my next words.

"Yes." I gasped at myself and grabbed the hair-Tie from around my wrist and put my red hair into a messy bun.

"You're still my grandma though." Is all he said and he hopped in his car and spun off.

I was Cameron Johnsons friend.

A/N:Hello guys! So how was this chapter.. Hope it was good so sorry for the late update! I will try to update quicker next time anyway the more we get into the story the better it will get. Bye my POTATO'S


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