Chapter 1 (Ashlyn)

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm buzzing in my face, I didn't really want to get up, or even to turn off the alarm but I knew I had to get up and take Ras out. He hadn't gone all night and I could hear him whining and scratching at his kennell. I hopped out of bed and threw on my jeans and t-shirt, slipped on my shoes and walked out to the living room where I proceeded to put Ras on his leash, grab my keys, and walk out the door. 

After about fifteen minutes of Ras sniffing the flowers and marking his territory and what not we went back up to my apartment so I could get fully ready for the day. I grabbed my phone after I let Ras of the leash and looked at it,

One missed call 

Two text messages 

flashed across the screen. I checked the missed call, my best friend Brandon had already called me, go figure right, I don't think he's gone a morning since I've known him without calling me first thing in the morning. I checked my text messages, one was from Brandon, the other from my friend Kelsey.

Brandon: GOOD MORNING ASHLYN! Tried calling you but I guess you were taking Ras for a walk, or I know you would've answered the phone right? Haha. Call me back, I have a favor to ask of you! :D

Kelsey: Morning Ashlyn, just texting you to see if you are still coming to the show tonight! Ttyl. 

I rolled my eyes at Brandon's text message, I generally got one like it almost every morning, he was such a morning person it kind of made me want to puke sometimes. I replied to Kelsey's text, Brandon, Danny, her, and I were planning on going to the Mac Miller show tonight the tickets weren't expensive at all, twenty-five dollars which was awesome because we could all afford it. 

Ashlyn: Yeah Kelsey, I'll be able to make it tonight. I'll have Brandon text you later if he can or not. :)

After I send it I called Brandon back, it rang twice, and as expected he picked up immediately.

"Ashlyn!" He always manages to scream right in my ear, I swear I'm going to be deaf in one ear because of him. "I know you were taking Ras for a walk earlier. So, anywho... can you pick me up? We can go chill somewhere before tonight." I rolled my eyes, he has a car he just refuses to use it because he doesn't feel like paying gas.

"Sure, I can pick you up but, what's in it for me? And also, if you're going tonight you need to text Kelsey back." He laughed on the other end.

"Well, how about your favorite strawberrry swirl cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory? And, I've already texted her back. I'm going." I smiled, he knew how to bribe me. I sighed on my end.

"Fine, I'll come get you. Give me like twenty minutes, that means you need to start getting ready now." He took forever to get ready, I swear sometimes I think he's worse than a girl. 

"Alright, see you soon! Adios amiga!" Again with the screaming, I heard the other line click and I locked my phone and got ready for the day. I went to the bathroom and got my curler, I picked up strands of my medium length, medium grade hair and curled it into these big lose curls. Then I put on my make up, put on a clean shirt and some jeans, grabbed my purse, a bottle of water, my phones and keys. I ran out of my room and closed the door so Ras wouldn't get in and destroy my room, fed him in his kennell, slipped on my shoes and ran out of my apartment and downstairs to my red 1998 Caddie Deville. She wasn't the most perfect car ever, but she was my car nonetheless. I started her up and I was on my way. 

Brandon lived only a few miles from me, so that's why I guess it wasn't a problem when he needed me to pick him up. I pulled up to his apartments and put my car in park and texted Brandon.

Ashlyn: Hey you lazy bum, I'm outside. Hurry your toosh.

About two seconds after I sent my text to Brandon I got his reply;

Brandon: Be there in a minute.I have to make sure my toosh looks good.

I couldn't help but laugh, even though he was kind of mocking me he was always good at making me laugh. I sat there for about five minutes before he finally came down the steps. Brandon was cute don't get me wrong with his shaggy brown hair and his pale blue eyes, he was probably about 5'10", 5'11" he was pretty thin and girls were always wooing over him. Today he wore pretty much what I was wearing except he has more style than me. He always adds accesories to his look to make him that much cuter. He got into my car, suprisingly with no problems considering most of the time, he slams his head into the side of my car because he doesn't pay attention. He gave me a long meaningful stare and then smiled.

"Yello." I looked over at him and laughed, he said it to where he sounded like such a goofy dork. 

"Hey, so what are we going to do today?" I asked with a grin. He looked at me and smiled;

"The town center?" I nodded and started up my caddie again, we headed to the town center which wasn't my favorite place to go but it certainly had all of my favorite stores and restaraunts at it, especially the Cheesecake Factory where Brandon was taking me to get my strawberry swirl cheesecake. 

(Okay, more later, I have it all in my mind so I'll write some more of it tomorrow. Thanks for reading!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2011 ⏰

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