Heroes in Disguise

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Before things start properly, I have to congratulate you, reader! I made this fanfic not so properly introduced on purpose, no tags, no proper announcement and/or advertisement of this newly published book, no specific readers were properly informed, and yes, I purposely did not add 'PPGZ' on the title. Yet you found it! Congratulations, Z-Puff fans! You managed to somehow find this book! I'll be dependent on my beloved readers, because I know some are willing to help, and that's why I'm counting on you current readers to help this book get discovered! Anyway, I'll get this book starting with the prologue first!

Momoko: As some people say, 'some people are heroes in disguise',

Miyako: you'll never know if it is true or not.

Kaoru: Many don't believe in that saying,

Momoko: but in Tokyo City, many believes because of the six fighting heroes,

Miyako: they made people believe that anything is possible, and why not?

Kaoru: If these heroes exists, nothing is impossible...


Blossom: And we are the...

PPGZ: the Lovely Fighting Science Legend!

Powerpuff Girls Z!

The next chapter is the 1st chapter of the 'Heroes in Disguise: Battle Through Time and Space'

Kaoru: Define water! 3 2 1 go!

Momoko:  the liquid that descends from the clouds as rain, forms streams, lakes, and seas, and is a major constituent of all living matter and that when pure is an odorless, tasteless, very slightly compressible liquid oxide of hydrogen H 2 O which appears bluish in thick layers, freezes at 0° C and boils at 100° C, has a maximum density at 4° C and a high specific heat, is feebly ionized to hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, and is a poor conductor of electricity and a good solvent b : a natural mineral water — usually used in plural

Miyako: Difference between Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide! 3 2 1 go!

Momoko: easy! monoxide is a colorless odorless very toxic gas CO that is formed as a product of the incomplete combustion of carbon or a carbon compound... and dioxide is fart... okay now, bye! *dashes away*

Kaoru: no wait! Momoko! We're still going to ask you number 3 of our homework!

Miyako: she's gone already?! Hmm, I think we should answer it on our own now...

Kaoru: but Homeworks are always so boring and hard to answer!

A Star that You Could Only See in the Morning!

(A/N: Only the up next and this chapter will be written in script!)

Message from MomoBrick:

Hey guys! Guess who's back! Probably, most of you guys already know who I am, because I used to write two books and a one-shot, but then I decided on pulling a 'not-so-pleasant stunt' and see how it turns out. Not really a funny joke I pulled, I admit, and I may or may not have a good reason to pull it. To those who doesn't know what I did, I might as well reveal it... But not now! I promise to reveal my 'little stunt' when I hit 500 views, and also my may or may not be reasonable reason of why I did it. But since it's New Year at my side of the world, it's time for a new start, new book(s), new chapters, new me!
Please enjoy my first book back! Sayonara min'na!


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