B.B.B.: The Return Of The Forgotten

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"Is that so? Girls! Later I want you to go and investigate Mojo's place to see what 'boys' he was talking about" "haii!" We all said together, "what about we do it now, the sooner the better, right?" I said then looked at the girls then the professor then he said "it's up to you girls..." then me and the girls nodded eachother and nodded...

Hyper Blossom!

Rolling Bubbles!

Powered Buttercup!

Powerpuff Girls Z!

"Come on, Girls!" I said, they both nodded then flew away with me in the middle...

♡♥♡♥♡♥Time skip, Jojo Secret Hide Out!♡♥♡♥♡♥

Blossom's POV

"Seems like no ones in here..." I whispered, Bubbles then whispered "We're sorry for intruding" "Hey! Since when did Mojo did some calculations?" Buttercup asked, we both went to her and saw a small pile of papers with calculations, all of them has a big red 'FAIL', right next to the pile was a journal, we opened it, it was the inventions of Mojo. "Fail. Fail. Fail. Fail" I read, I flipped to pages... Until, A page of... "Plus three years... Success... Let's get this to the professor" I said as I slammed the book closed, Buttercup and Bubbles looked at me confused. I carried the small pile of papers and took the journal, I ran to the door.

♡♥♡♥♡♥At the lab♡♥♡♥♡♥

"STOP!!!" Peach yelled at Ken and Kuriko.
His yell echoed,


♡♥♡♥♡♥Back to Jojo Hide out

Beep, Beep, Beep!

"Who are you?" A figure asked, I fell down when I bumped into it, the papers flew around, the book dropped to the old wooden floor, I looked up to see... "Brick! Don't be rude and help her pick up the book and papers!" A thirteen year old Boomer scold Brick, "the Rowdyruff Boys?!" I unintentionally yelled, I covered my mouth as Brick looked at my face and went nearer, I grew nervous, I looked at... Miyako and Kaoru?! "See! I told you that we are well known!" Brick grinned at his brothers and pointed at me, then he picked up the papers and the book then gave it to me, and then he helped me up, "Sorry about my big brother, he can be a bit rude" Boomer said, Butch 'coughed' and said "Very" "Hey, what could I say? I'm evil" Brick said, I gulped and said "I... Um... We gotta go" I ran out with Miyako and Kaoru following. We transformed behind an abandoned alley and flew to the lab.

♡♥♡♥♡♥Time Skip, Utonium Laboratory♡♥♡♥♡♥

Momoko's POV

"So... Momoko~ Brick?" Kaoru teased, I hit her head and said "I'm going to talk to professor, thank you very much!"
"Dad... I still can't understand what the tears are for" Ken said, professor closed the book and said "Tears are said to be from extreme feelings, and the tears Mojo used are from a negative feeling, so the tears consists of negative aura, like the aura of the black Z-rays. And according to Mojo's calculations here, he used all of the remaining chemical Z and mixed it with the tears" "Then he used a new machine to upgrade the Rowdyruff Boys, and the upgrade made them three years older" I finished, professor nodded and said "Your right, Momoko" "But professor... Earlier, when we were at Mojo's... We transformed back to our normal selves right before the Rowdyruffs can see us" I said, Ken laughed nervously and said "Yeah... Me and Kuriko were chasing each other, and made Peach yell 'stop', I guess his voice reached contact with your belts" "THEN! You owe me a cake because of that!" I said, he sighed and said "Fine..."

♡♥♡♥♡♥Time Skip, Akatsutsumi Residence♡♥♡♥♡♥

Momoko's POV

Kuriko gave me money, that's something! Maybe I will buy cakes using this for breaktime tomorrow! Yeah! Oh no... Wait... There's no school tomorrow. "CURSE IT!!!"

♡♥♡♥♡♥The next day! At the Utonium Laboratory!♡♥♡♥♡♥

Still In Momoko's POV!

Yup! I'm just watching Kuriko and Ken! And could I add that they look cute? OF COURSE I CAN! THIS BOOK IS ABOUT ME, FOR PETE'S SAKE!

All day was like that, and the two of us really need to go home. I sighed and pat Ken's head and said "Sorry for the trouble we caused" "It's alright- Riko-chan!" Ken got cut when Kuriko tripped and dropped her drawings that she made with Ken, Ken helped her up and helped her pick all of the papers up.

♡♥♡♥♡♥The Next Day!♡♥♡♥♡♥

Yup! This is still in Momoko's POV!!

I am at the lab with Kaoru and Miyako, I was poking Ken's cheek with my 'I don't believe it' face, "what?!" Ken yelled at me then I said "I can't believe that you're my future brother in law" "what do you mean?" "You're going to marry Kuriko in the future, aren't you?!" "No I won't! What makes you say that?" He said with his face like a tomato, I teased him some more, I pinched his cute little red cheek and said "you look so much more kawaii when you're blushing, no wonder Kuriko liked you" "Kaoru told me that Brick is your boyfriend in the future" Ken said while crossing his arms... I widened my eyes then felt my face burn up, "oh I'm s-sure th-that sh-she's j-j-just jok-joking! Hehehehe!" I said while doing some random hand gestures nervously, then he left and I sighed in relief... then I sighed and said "that stupid Kaoru, I already told her that he isn't..."

Up next on
'Heroes in Disguise: Battle Through Time and Space'

Momoko:  It's not a bird! It's not a plane! It is also not a stupid kite in the sky! It's just Kuriko on B.B.B. mode! Who's Kuriko you ask, Kuriko will answer it for you!

Kuriko: if you don't know who I am, then let me tell you. I am the rarest jewel of the Akatsutsumi family,

Momoko: she's not

Kuriko:  I am the prettiest fan of Johnny Cosmo,

Momoko: lie

Kuriko: the future wife of Utonium Ken,

Momoko: ehh...

Kuriko: the favorite of mom and dad,

Momoko: she's a pretty big liar...

Kuriko: the loveliest,

Momoko: she's not lovely

Kuriko: cutest,

Momoko: not even a bit...

Kuriko: and only sister of Akatsutsumi Momoko!

Momoko: the only thing true...

Kuriko: I am-

Momoko: Akatsutsumi Kuriko, yeah yeah, blah blah...

Kuriko: Akatsutsumi Kuriko!

Momoko: I already said it...

B.B.B.: Lecturing Kuriko!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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