"It's cool? Things could not possibly get worse!" As if life just hated me, it began pouring rain. I screamed. Even though I wasn't looking, I could feel that devilish smirk of Duncan's caress my body.

Duncan's POV

It was morning. I saw that Courtney was shivering last night so when she was asleep I carefully laid her on my chest for warmth.


"Don't think I'm a nice guy now, or whatever. I'm not nice, got that? I just happen to have wanted to see her reaction when she woke up."

End Confessional

She nuzzled into my chest for warmth. I saw this and smirked.

"Morning, sunshine."

Her smile quickly turned into disgust.

"Ew," she said. "You were cuddling me!"

"I was just simply catching a few Zs. You were the one cuddling me."

"You are such an ogre," she said.

"Meh," I responded. "I've been called worse." She screamed and stormed off.

Courtney's POV


"Okay, I just want to say that I was totally asleep and therefore unconscious at the time of the cuddling with said neanderthal. So it's like it never happened."

End Confessional

We made it to the camp ground a few seconds before the Screaming Gophers. I saw Heather push Owen over and screamed at him, saying it was his fault. I was smiling until Chris mentioned that a few bass members were gone.

"Oh you mean Katie and Sadie? I'm pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night." I said.

"Darn shame," was Duncan's response. Internally I was laughing but I would never show it.

Then, Katie and Sadie came and started rambling on about how they survived their first ever fight and they apologized. I looked skeptically at them.

After they hugged it out I approached them. "Are you two done yet?" I asked. They nodded. "Good, because thanks to you, we just lost the challenge!"

Chris announced who the winner is and they cheered. The rest of the bass and I glared at the two idiots.

No One's POV


"I vote Katie. Sadie is a great cook, which might come in handy later." Harold said.

"I vote Katie. I heard her pointing out those blueberries to Sadie. They wouldn't have gotten lost if Katie hadn't pointed those out," said Courtney.



"I vote Sadie. She isn't the smartest and isn't useful in challenges," said Duncan.

"I don't know who I want to pick. Neither of them are useful in challenges and they always have to stick together." Bridgette groaned.


"I vote for Courtney. She was really bossy towards us." Katie said. Sadie nodded along with her.

"She definitely needs to take a chill pill."

End confessional

Duncan's POV

After Tyler came out of the confessional, I went back in. I grabbed the box where we cast our votes and pried it open. I looked through them to make sure people weren't voting for me. Okay you got me. That wasn't the case. When I got to the two pieces of paper that said Courtney I took them out and replaced one with Katie's name and one with Sadie's.

Courtney's POV

At the bonfire Chris announced that he would just throw them to us. I was a little worried I would be in the bottom three, even though the Katie and Sadie cost us the challenge. I did boss the others around a lot. It wasn't my fault, though. They knew this was a survival challenge and in survival, you have to work hard to succeed.

"Courtney." Chris tossed me a marshmallow and I smiled. I didn't think that I would have received no votes whatsoever.

"Duncan," he said next. Duncan smirked at me and I sneered at him. Everybody got their marshmallow and Katie and Sadie were in the bottom two. Chris announced that Sadie received the marshmallow and the two girls began complaining and whining.

"I can't go anywhere without Katie or I'll totally die!" Katie slapped some sense into that girl, finally, and calmed her down a little. The boat of losers finally dragged Katie away.

Duncan's POV

I sat down next to Courtney, who was swatting flies away from her head.

"What do you want now?"

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I scared you."

"I was not scared," she said defensively. "It was completely circumstantial and there is no such thing as a hook man."

"Yeah, you're probably right. Or ARE YOU!?" She screamed when I held the hook up. She stormed off and I cracked up. I put my hands behind my neck and leaned back, forgetting I had the hook on, and stabbed myself.


(A/N) Hey guys. I finished this chapter the morning of my birthday so that makes it extra special to me. Sorry if I used too much original dialogue.

Anyways this chapters question is....................................................................what team did you route for in the Ridonculous Race?

I was routing for The Reality TV Pros (Owen and Noah)

Thanks for reading and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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