Chapter Ten

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When I woke up the next morning, I had a raging headache and my hand throbbed within its cast. I groaned, rolling over to press my face into my pillow.

Banjo started meowing, realizing that I was awake. He was hungry and demanded attention. I sighed, and climbed to my feet. My headache almost seemed to worsen.

I started getting Banjo some food with one hand, while pulling out my phone with the other. I quickly dialed Pete's number and called off work. There was no way I was going to be able to work with my cast and this headache.

I yawned and started some coffee, before heading to the bathroom to get some painkillers. I just wanted a lazy day in.

Once the pain in my hand had lowered to a dull throb and I had a cup of coffee in my hand, I flopped down on the couch with my laptop.

As much as I wanted to pull up Netflix and just relax, I couldn't seem to bring myself to it. Instead, I pulled up my lab report and began typing.

I was officially my own worst enemy.

A couple hours into working, someone started knocking on my door. I looked up from my screen, confused. I didn't know who would be knocking at my door. Nico had a key, and Bucky usually just climbed in through the window. I pulled myself to my feet and started towards the door.

Nico was on the other side, a sheepish grin on his face.

"I lost my key."

I rolled my eyes and let him in, saying, "I'm never giving you another key. Especially if you keep losing them!"

"Aw, Emma!" He whined, "Don't be like that. I don't mean to lose them!"

I glared at him, placing a hand on my hip. Nico grinned, trying to win me over. He knew I wasn't seriously angry, but he also realized that I was getting more and more irritated with every key lost. Slowly, he raised a bag out from behind his back as an offering. I took one whiff and my frown instantly melted off my face.

"You can't always win me over with Chinese food." I told him, but the smile on my face contradicted my words. I gladly took the bag from him and went to the kitchen to fetch plates. Nico followed behind, bending down to pet Banjo on his way by. Banjo hissed and bolted away, causing Nico to sigh in disappointment.

"Will your cat ever like anyone but you?" He asked, moving to help me.

I smiled, thinking of the way Banjo acts around Bucky, but didn't say a word. I wasn't sure I was ready to share Bucky with the world, even if I normally told Nico everything. I just shrugged instead before grabbing a plate and moving back to the couch. A couple seconds later, Nico flopped right down next to me.

"Homework?" He asked, taking one glance at my laptop's screen, "Literally the only day you have ever taken off work and you're sitting here doing homework!"

I smiled sheepishly, moving to exit out of my report and pulling up Netflix instead.

"I have to get this report done! It's due soon." I defended myself weakly.

Nico simply rolled his eyes and took a bite of his food. I put on some mindless show we both liked, and leaned back to eat in peace. Eating with a cast proved to be difficult. As soon as Nico saw my wince, he hopped up to get me more painkillers.

"You need to be more careful, Emma." He told me when he returned with a couple pills. "You can't just go around breaking body parts."

"It's not like I planned this!" I protested, taking the pills gladly.

"Oh, please! We all know you invite danger into your life." He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Do not!"

"What about the wild cat you housed for a week before realizing it was a raccoon?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It was hungry!"

"And every time you walk home in the middle of the night, cutting through sketchy alleys?"

"I have mace!"

"And what about—"

"Okay!" I finally exclaimed, cutting him off. "I may not make the brightest decisions sometimes, but that doesn't mean I invite danger into my life!"

Nico rolled his eyes, but gave up the subject. I sunk deeper into the couch, turning my attention back to the screen. I slowly rested my head against Nico's shoulder and I relaxed further when he wrapped one of his arms around me.

I hated to admit it, but I could see the point Nico was attempting to make. I could see how people would think I invited danger into my life. It was hard to argue, especially with Bucky in my life now. Being around Bucky only seems to put me in danger. Since knowing him my apartment has been broken into multiple times, I've broken my hand, and I started keeping secrets from my best friend.

But I couldn't seem to stay away from him.

I yawned, closing my eyes and snuggling closer to Nico. It felt like I was finally able to relax ever since the grenade flew into my window last night. I had my best friend next to me, and my cat curled up at my side. It was nice to know nothing was expected of me for at least one day. Tomorrow, I would have to go back to work and classes.

"Nico?"  I mumbled.

"Yes, Emma?"

"I love you."

I heard him chuckle before he said, "I love you too."

I felt myself falling asleep, my brain finally shutting down after a long week. I curled closer to Nico and yawned again. I knew he would be fine if I fell asleep. My apartment was practically his second home.


"Yes?" He asked. I could practically hear the smile in his voice.

"I don't deserve you."

I was asleep before I ever heard his response.

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