Chapter Twenty - Hidden in the Shadows

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"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." - Edgar Allan Poe

*Spencer Reid*

Everything was so dark. The only light that was to be seen was from the beam of my flashlight. I was scared because I couldn't find Viv anywhere. The building was cold and damp and even the smallest breeze made me shiver. "Viv?" I called out into the darkness. There was no reply. "Viv!" I called a little louder, but there was still no reply. My gun was drawn in front of me and I peeked behind every corner and behind every wall. Where was she? Had the unsub gotten to her? I needed to find her before it was too late. 

I walked a little further when I noticed a door that was slightly ajar. My stomach suddenly dropped as I got closer and closer. "Viv? Are you in here?" I pushed open the door slightly and peeked inside. It was still pitch black. I shined my flashlight onto the floor, and that's when I saw her. Her body was distorted and blood was everywhere. "No!" I yelled. I ran over to her and clasped her cold hand in mine. "No! You can't be dead!" All of a sudden, she sat up straight and grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"It's too late," she hissed.


"Reid! Reid! Wake up!" I felt Morgan shaking me awake and I sat up on the couch. My hand went up to my forehead and I felt beads of sweat rolling down my face. "You were yelling in your sleep. We've landed."

"Oh...sorry." I stood up and grabbed my bag. That dream was intense and scared me half to death. I didn't know if I should be glad that it was over, or even more afraid for Viv's safety. I followed Morgan off of the jet and through the airport.

"What the hell were you dreaming about, kid? I was debating for a little bit on whether or not I should've just poured cold water on you. I looked down at the ground.

"I would rather not talk about it," I replied. I waved down a taxi and Morgan and I got in and made our way to the San Francisco field office. When we got there, we were greeted by Agent Jennings.

"Dr. Reid, Agent Morgan, good to see you again," she said, shaking both of our hands. "When we found Hunter Black's body, I knew we needed to have you guys here. She lead us to a conference room where an evidence board had been set up with pictures of the crime scene.

"How's Santos doing?" she asked. I only half heard her question. I directed my attention to the evidence board and tried my hardest to not punch it.

"She seems to be holding up for right now," I heard Morgan reply.

"I'm not surprised, she's one of the toughest Agents I ever had the pleasure of working with," Jennings replied. "I'll be in my office if you need anything. Hunter's parents are waiting in the interview room." With that, she walked out, the sound of her heels echoing in the hallway.

I continued to stare at the board and I felt Morgan walk up behind me. "What are you thinking, kid? Do you have a theory?" I continued to absentmindedly examine the pictures. The truth is, I did have a theory, but I couldn't get myself to believe it. I couldn't let anyone know until I was sure for myself.

"No. This whole thing is honestly becoming really confusing," I replied.

"Yeah, I know. Every time we think we have a solid lead they end up being killed," Morgan said. "I'm going to go talk to Hunter's parents. I'll let you know if I get anything from them." I nodded and I heard him walk out of the room.

I sat down at the conference table and started to flip through the investigation file. Morgan was right, all of our best leads were dead, but if I was right, there was still one more person to look into.

Eidetic - A Criminal Minds/Spencer Reid Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن