She never lied. Her mother had been a master at it. She'd explained away her daughters to the men she'd brought home, calling them everything from her nieces to her younger sisters.

"I really need this car back as soon as possible."

Darrell adjusted his ball cap and shook his head. "You can't hurry skilled craftsmanship."

I'll pay extra."

"You and the half dozen car owners in front of you. I'm the only mechanic in town. I've got me one of them monopolies going on."

"Five movie tickets?"

"I already got a whole mess of tickets from Myron Hasket over at the theater. I helped him restore his '69 GTO."

"We've got pay-per-view at the senior center." She wiggled her eyebrows. "I'll spring for wrestling tomorrow night."

"Got my own satellite dish. Fixed Diana Hallway's Plymouth last year and she gave it to me."

Diana owned the mercantile that sold everything from big screens to zit cream.

"I'll mow your lawn."

"That's Mable's area. She says it helps to keep her ass from spreading on account of she sit  all day. She'd on a health kick. Can you believe she made me get rid of the snack machines in the office? I tried to buy a chill dog over at the diner last week and Sue Jo refused to sell it to me. Said Mable told her to cut me off or else. I can't even buy a Snickers bar at the Quick Pick."

An idea struck and Devon contemplated Mable's wrath all of the five seconds before she made up her mind. "I could bring you dozen of Krispy Kremes from the senior center." Hey, desperate times called for desperate measures. "We get a fresh shipment every morning."

He grinned. "Sugar does makes me work faster."

Devon vowed to deliver donuts first thing the next morning and headed to the local nursery to pick up a bag of potting soil.

It was her usual Sunday morning trip.

She walked her normal route and stooped off at the bakery for her favourite bagel. She said hello yo the busy-bodies drinking coffee in front of the diner the way she always did and they harrumphed and why, she never-ed know the way they always did. It was the same old, same old Skull Creek.

Except that it didn't feel like the same old.

It felt different this time.

She felt different.

Her heart beat a little faster. Her body felt more alert. Her ears perked at the slightest sound and her finger tips tingled. Her nose seemed more sensitive, picked up the sweet smell of cotton candy even though she was a block away from the carnival being held in the church parking lot. And her eyes...She noticed colours that she'd never noticed before. The different shades of red in the single rose that bloomed in a pot on her back patio. The iridescent aqua wings on the fly that buzzed around her kitchen.

She felt  different, all right.


Thanks to Hunter.

She dismissed the absurd thought as she pulled on her gardening gloves and went to work on the flower beds in her backyard.

She and Greg had started the planting just last month.

He loved flowers and spent every second when he wasn't running the dry cleaning business tending a green house full of prize winning daisies. Devon herself had never been into gardening until he;d bought her a pair of gloves and put her to work.

Now she shared his routine even if she didn't share his passion.

Wait a second.

Who said she didn't share his passion? Sure, she wasn't a fanatic about it, but she liked gardening.

Seeing a mound of dirt transform into a brilliant cluster of flowers filled her with a scoop of pride. And been if she could change her surroundings, she could change her life.

She most certainly wasn't letting herself get hung up on a one-night-stand with a virtual stranger. No matter how phenomenal the orgasm. Or how she kept reliving the memory of the two of them in that back alley. Or how she  kept envisioning them getting hot and heavy in the tent loader or a John Deere  tractor. Or buck-naked on the fifty-yard line at the local stadium. Or sweaty and desperate in the back seat of her car---


She wasn't thinking about him. And she certainly wasn't thinking about the Sex Spots List. Sure, she'd wondered in the past what it might be like to do it in the various locations---she was only human, after all---but she'd never pictured herself with any certain someone.

Until now.

Over, she reminded herself. Her head knew that.

If only her hormones could grasp that all-important fact.










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