1. India I'm coming.

Start from the beginning

"Drama." I add annoyance lacing my words. Then mom and Maya both laugh and start chatting with each other forgetting my existence. Being the younger sibling this is quite regular for me.

I leave the hall, embarrassed and lock myself in my room. I throw myself on my bed, closing my eyes. Gosh! India will be so boring. Those dirty streets, small houses and blah blah...

I have never been there but Maya told me that India is a not so good country with low maintenance. Maya studied there from 7th till 10th grade and came back to Los Angeles, my place. I am born and brought up here. Tomorrow morning we will be leaving for India. I haven't even packed yet.

Did I just say that I haven't packed?!


I jump from my bed and pull out my huge bag. I am going to leave for India for the next three months for Maya's wedding and hence for my senior year.

"Sh*t!" I curse under my breath."Oh! This is so scary next one year in India and I haven't even done my packing. Ugh..." I say with both my hands on my bursting head.

Running into my wardrobe I pick some of my favourite dresses when a voice makes me freeze.

"Sorry Ritz! Your packing has been done." Minnie enters. She is also one of the housekeepers and is responsible for my clean wardrobe. I am too lazy to do that.

Now you see how cool am I? Note the sarcasm.

"What? Who did that?" I ask both surprised and angry. "That means my favourite dresses are not in the bag?" I dreamily glance at my rack of Gucci attire.

"Mrs. Dobrial asked me to do that. She gave a plenty of new ones to pack your bag." Minnie informs, it being the most haunting news to have ever struck my eardrums.

'What? My mom has packed my bag.' No this cannot happen!

"Mom!" I scream and storm out of my room towards her's.

Just when I am about to step into her room her words make me stop. "Sanjay, you know the risks we are taking by going to India." What? Why? "There is still time, we don't have to hide it," I frown and enter the room.

"What's up?" I question. The anger on her for packing my bags suddenly got replaced with this curiosity.

"Ah...."She partly says on the phone and partly to me. Her expression turns scared than it already was for a second, enough for me to notice, and goes back to normal.

"Lo aa gayi![Look she has come!]"She swiftly covers her face with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes."I will tell her now." She hangs up and beams at me which is creepy.  "Ritz. Oh about that," she pauses and picks up the glass on her nightstand and sips water from it, "You should know about what you are going to wear in India."

"That's what you have been hiding? And wear what in India?"I frown. I expected that.

"The Indian clothes I packed for you."The words float in the air for a moment and then I burst.

"You can't do this!" the curiosity got killed and my rage is back to square one.

"Do what?" And a sliver of laugh escapes her lips. What's funny about this?!

"Why did you pack my bag?" I demand.

"Oh dear! We are leaving for India for your sister's wedding not for a visit to Paris. I'm sure you would never pick clothes which are appropriate for an Indian wedding," She sighs, "Also after the wedding ceremony when I and your dad return back here, I will send the rest of your dresses to India. Fine?" I don't answer, still angry with her for packing my bag without asking me.

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