Just Say Yes xxx

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May 20th 2012

I was at school and Jordan came into the classroom and threw a football at me. I caught it and he fled out of the room. Stupid guy i thought to myself. As the teacher went on and on about photosynthesis I tried to figure out why he had chosen to throw the ball at me. After what seemed like an eternity the bell for lunch went and I left the classroom to go to the canteen.

As I opened my bottle of water I stepped outside into the brilliant summer morning. I saw Jordan walking through the tennis courts so I chucked his ball back to him. As I turned around I heard him call my name and the ball came flying towards me. I only just managed to catch it so I held onto it until he came out of the courts. I walked up to him and gave him the ball by hand and as I went to leave he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a big hug. The rest of the day was just as confusing as the morning. It felt like a dream.

Jordan's p.o.v

ugh. School- i hate it with a passion. I walked through the doors to Alice's classroom with the football under my arm. I planned to get her out of lessons so i could talk to her. I called her name out but I stumbled throwing the ball to her. crap. I turned on my heels and ran out the room before the teacher could spot me. I caught a glimpse of her long strawberry blond hair reaching down to the middle of her back, her ocean blue eyes glistening with curiosity. Ugh, why do i always have to mess things up?!

I saw her open the bottle of water in her hands and down half the bottle. i chuckled, she still had the ball id accidentally thrown at her. she spotted me as i walked through the courts and chucked the ball at me. as i caught it i thought to myself- its now or never and threw it back to her. she looked shocked as she caught the ball only moments before it would have hit her in the face. i walked up to her slowly taking in her profile. Lovely body with blond hair and blue eyes, plump lips with just the right amount of lip gloss. mm-mm, i could almost taste the sugary sweetness of it. I pulled her into a big hug and before i knew it, fear took over me and i fled.


okay, um heyy this is my first book so um could u comment on it please, likes and disslikes. thanx

LittleDragonxx x

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