2-Introducing you to Sonika

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"Shit, there is so much of traffic today." This is all because of me. My boss Erick called me and said I had a party to attend and impress the boss by my skills. I can't believe that I am going to meet Ross, the billionaire. All I knew about him was that he was very dedicated to work and a gentlemen. I had seen his pictures on the cover page of many magazines.

Earlier this afternoon.
I was so happy to go to the party and stressed at the same time. I may seem confident from the outer side but whenever I go for shoots or shows, I become really very nervous. That is why to melt down my stress, I decided to take a shower and sleep after I switch-on the alarm in my mobile.

After 3 hours...
"Holy shit! Oh my god! Why does this happen with me." I cursed, quickly jolting up from my sleeping position. I had set the alarm at 7:30 while I had to wake up at 6:30. Useless alarm. Useless Sonika. One hour has passed. I am late. I am late. Within, a few minutes I quickly put on my dress. It reached till my knees and flowed freely. "Hell, I am going to have a bad impression on Ross."

I ran through the crowd pushing past people. Yes, you can also say that I have lack of manners, but dude I'm lateeee and this is my chance to earn money.
One of the bodyguards lead me towards the room where the auditions were held.
"May I come in sir. I am really sorry for being late sir. Are the auditions still on? Please give me one chance."
I was so very nervous. It seems that Ross was talking with someone. Oh wait, I know him. He is Zachary. I have read alot about him too. And great. I just interupted their talk. Now he is going to be mad at me. Sonika stay strong. If you still impress them, you will be able to earn cash. That is what you want right? This is a golden chance for you. Think about your parents...

I saw Ross stiffening. His back straightened more and just when I thought that I am going to be thrown out.


(Eye contact)


H-he looks so so...urghhh..I am not able to recall any words to define this man looking at me. His look was a little bit intimidating at the first but then when his eyes met mine. I shivered, I-I was so speechless. Good Sonika, now your mind is also fumbling for words. "Come-in" his voice made me come out of my trance. Mr Zachary gave me some lines. I closed my eyes and whispered some inspiring words to myself to make me calm. I went through the lines. Yes Sonika, give your best.

Seconds. Seconds passed and I had finished my audition but still Ross was looking at me intently while Zachary in the mean time had my picture in his hand. He passed it in front of Ross, "So how's she?".

I could feel my heart pounding as each second kept passing by. Ross placed my picture in a file and handed it to Zachary. Zachary smirked at Ross and went out, he took his assistant with him. Leaving me alone with Ross. I saw him standing up from his chair and approaching me.

"So, this is the best you can perform?" He asked me while coming close to me. I didn't move. I was lost within the depths of his eyes. Sonika he is asking something to you. You can admire his beauty afterwards."There is more to come Sir. I will try my best. I promise you." I smiled internally to myself as the sudden boost of confidence came within me. When he didn't answer back for some minutes. I smiled breaking the eye contact.
"You are selected. Come at my office sharp at 9 tomorrow. We will discuss about our contract." Yes, yes I am selected. I am so excited. Finally I will be able to earn money and stop doing th-the shitty work. I hate doing it but I have to. Don't think about it Sonika, your parents are going to be proud of you when they come to know about you working with Ross.

"Okay Sir. I'll be there." I said smiling wholeheartedly. He stared at me and I stared back at him.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Sonika" I replied.

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