Chapter 5

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Tahlia woke up to darkness. She tried to sit up. No luck. Turning her head? Practically impossible. Trying to lift her hand was a hopeless effort. It seemed she was stuck to some kind of table.
Except there wasn't a table. She was floating.
She tried to scream, but before a sound could escape, a hologram appeared in front of her.
"What do you want?"
"I need you to listen to me. I don't have enough time to say it twice."
"Who are you?"
"This might be a bit of a shock to you, but I am you."
"Of course you aren't! I'M me!"
"I'm from a parallel universe."
"What did you just say?"
"I'm you from an alternate universe."
"You're kidding me right?"
"No. No I'm not."
"Okay guys! You can come out now!"
"What are you talking about?"
"This is obviously some kind of prank. Just come out!"
"This is not a joke! This is a matter of life and death!"
"What do you mean? Anyone there? Just come out!"
Tahlia was beginning to sweat.
"This is no time for joking around! You are obviously from one of those face games, where you record someone's voice and make them say things. This is a prank! Whoever's there just stop it! This has gone way too far!"
"I can prove I'm you!"
"No you can't! There isn't anything people don't know about me! I'm an open book!"
"On Tuesday Miss Hudson handed you the French sheet and you were distracted. Most people thought it was because you already knew all the answers, but you were thinking about what you were going to get from KFC after school."
Tahlia paused mid-scream.
"People think you wear glasses because you need them, but it's because you wanted to be Harry Potter when you grew up and never take them off."
Tahlia's face slumped.
"I can't believe you know that much about me."
"That's because I AM you, just from another universe. Do you believe me now?"
"Yes. Though you have to admit it IS quite hard to believe."
"Completely understandable. Now listen."
The lady's image began to flicker.
"I'm running out of time! Listen. I have put all that you need to know in the first jar. Find them all. But be careful! Your fate will turn with each one obtained. And watch out for-"
Then darkness.

Sorry that I haven't updated in so long! I've been on a camp with no wifi and our internet has been done for a month but I've found some free wifi to use! Yay! Hope you enjoy the new chapter!

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