Chapter 3

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They stepped right over them. All of them. Just put their foot down on empty space like it was nothing. And have Tahlia a weird look as she lay there watching them step on the pavement. She couldn't understand it. Why weren't they falling in? Was there just some invisible barrier preventing them from seeing the footprints? Maybe her glasses were playing up again. She took them off, gave them a clean, and put them back on. Nope. No change. They were there, as clear as day. Maybe they had something to do with the car boot sale. She stood up, brushed off her old Saddle Club t-shirt and tried to walk as casually as she could after staring at random strangers shoes into the crowds of people.
Tahlia loved going to car boot sales. She used to go with her family when she was younger. Her parents would buy her books, dolls, clothes, even her bed from the hunky backside of the machines gathered on the withered grass. Walking past families with young  children brought tears to her eyes. She hadn't gone to one of these since her mother...
She sniffed and dried her glasses on her dirty sleeve, making it not only dotted with tears, but grimy with dirt as well. She put them on anyway.
As she continued to walk through the cars, she made a few purchases to try to look casual- a few books with the pages covered in coffee stains, a t-shirt with a Japanese fan on it, which she put on in the cockroach-infested toilet block nearby, and a dolphin statue. But still she found nothing on what would have caused those mysterious footprints.
But then something caught her eye. In the corner, wedged between a sweet shop and some paintings stacked up in piles, was a stall. Tahlia was confused. Didn't they know that this was a car boot sale, not a fair? Maybe they just didn't have a car. No-one seemed to be taking any notice of it. The lady supposedly running the stall was looking at her wares, then peering through her dense hair, hopeful someone would take an interest. But, alas, no-one was. Tahlia started to walk over to the lady. A broad smile spread across the lady's face.
"You have come!"
"Um... I haven't seen you before, have I?"
"Oh, I know you."
The lady smiled. Then the world went black.

Sorry for the while between updates! I've been very busy with school at the moment and haven't had much time to do any writing 😢. But now I'm back at it again and I'm hoping to give you a stack of story at once! Thankyou for your dedication to my story!!!!

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