Belle began to bounce with excitement. "You really think this could work?"

Emma smiled. "Definitely. I have a friend down at city hall that can even fake me a marriage license in case I need proof. After I receive the money from the trust fund, I'll wait a few months, tell them the long distance thing isn't working , that we rushed into marriage, and that I'm getting a divorce."

Belle hugged Emma excitedly. "This could actually work!" But when they separated, Belle's lips suddenly turned downward. "There's only one problem. What kind of guy would be willing to pretend to be married to you?"

Just then, the bell sounded on the front door. Emma and Belle turned their attention to the door and to the man who walked in. Belle offered him a smile and greeting, but then turned away and headed toward the bookshelves. Emma, however, couldn't tear her eyes away from the handsome stranger.

"Killian Jones," he said, walking over to her and extending his hand.

Emma licked at her lips nervously, as she placed her hand in his. "Emma Swan."

His smile, coupled with his accent, nearly caused her knees to give out.

He gestured with his hand, his crystal blue eyes sparkling at her. "This is a nice place you have here. Quite cozy."

Emma nodded. "Thank you. Can I, um, get you anything?"

Killian's eyes scanned her beautiful features as he shook his head. "No, thank you. I just came to browse through the books." He turned away and then back toward her, flashing a grin. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Emma Swan."

He then headed toward the books, as Emma stared after him.

Emma didn't usually get nervous around men. Then again, she pretty much limited her contact with them to first dates and one night stands. She'd had her heart broken as a teenager so badly that she'd sworn off of relationships.

Killian moved among the stacks of used books.

"Can I help you find anything?" Belle asked.

He offered her a smile. "No, thank you. Just browsing."

"Let me know if I can be of any assistance."

He nodded, as Belle walked back over to Emma. The two women watched him intently. Emma admired the way his dark hair was tousled just so and how he had just the right amount of scruff covering his chiseled jaw. She was positive his leather jacket and black jeans was concealing a well-toned body. She smiled, watching his tongue dart out and moisten his lips, as he perused the book titles.

"Now, he would be someone to bring home to my parents," Emma muttered.

Belle whipped her head in Emma's direction. "You can't be serious. You don't even know him. He could be a psycho ax murderer. Are you really willing to risk your life for a trust fund?"

"Or he could be a completely harmless, drop-dead gorgeous, nice guy. Hey, if I'm going to get fake married, I might as well aim high."

"And just what makes you think some total stranger would ever agree to pretend to be your husband?"

Emma sighed. "You have a point."

Emma watched as Killian made his way to the door. He offered them a wave. Emma felt a rush of panic overtake her, as she realized she might never see him again. Before she knew what was happening, she felt herself moving to the door. She didn't know what she planned on saying, she just knew she wanted to make sure she saw him again.

She thought quickly and dug in her pocket for a business card as she came to stand in front of him. "Uh, Killian, here's our card. If you're looking for anything in particular, just give us a call or email us and we'll keep an eye out for it."

Accidentally in Love: A Captain Swan StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant