Not Ready Yet

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I'm ready to die. I have been for years. I lay in this desert. So dry. No one but me. Well, me and death that is. All I can do is scream and scream until he mercifully greets me. I look at him and say, "I'm ready". Its the truth. I've seen death take all of my friends. All of my family. But he won't take me. He just pricks my arm with his nails and the venom flows. He says, "Not yet". And it feels better for a few minutes. Then death leaves, and I'm alone again.
He should really let her go. She's obviously gone. Nothing but a dementia ridden shell of a past soul. Still, Dr. Anderson won't let her die. Anyway, Im just a nurse, he doesn't listen to me. She even calls him death, the guy can't take a hint. He just looks at her and says, "Not yet."

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