Chapter Three

Start bij het begin

I wipe my face of the single tear that escaped and get changed into some casual attire. I walk out the door to my new car - a Charger, which I just recently purchased - and head off to school.

On the way to school, I see an elderly woman sitting on a bench. Her appearance is raggedy, yet her aura is enchanting. She seems wise, and her ivory hair is only proof of this. I pull onto the street next to her and get out. As I approach her, she does not turn her head. Instead, she begins speaking in a raspy voice.

"I don't need your pity . . . " says the old woman. On the side of her cheek, I see a single tear run down her face.

"Don't worry, I was only here to sit," I decide to lie.

"Sure," she says sarcastically, scooting away from me on the metal bench. As she scoots, her purse falls onto the dirt. I get up and give her the bag, dusting off the dry dirt that's on it.

"Thank you," she says in a low, muffled voice.

"No problem," I say, beginning to walk back to my car. Suddenly, I feel a hand around my arm. I turn around and the woman is standing with a cane, grasping onto it with her free hand. I stare at her with concern.

"Wait, there is something I must tell you. I can tell that you are distraught, and that something is bothering you. Whatever it is, fix it," she says, letting go of my hand. She begins to walk away as I take another step forward.

"Thank you," I whisper to the woman. My stomach begins to churn, and I turn back to my car.  This all seems unreal and delusional. I turn around to see the woman suddenly disappears into nothingness.

Maybe she was my inner feelings personified.

I think she is right.

So, there I stand at the bench, pondering what to do. I spend a moment thinking, trying to rack my brain for ideas. Then, suddenly, the best idea pops into my head. I flip open my phone and stare at the number I have hidden from Thea since I met her. The one day we spent together at her house, I retrieved her number by looking at her phone.

Beginning to sweat, I click the number and press the phone to my ear. After four rings, someone picks up the phone; it is a man. Softening my breath, I try to recognize who it is.

"Hello?" the man asks, confused.

"Hello, is Thea there by any chance?" I ask, beginning to shake with nervousness. I look up at the sky and hope with everything that I have left that this is her number.

"No, she is at school right now. May I ask who is calling?" the man replies, starting to sound a little annoyed.

"Um . . . it's Dennis, her old friend. I was just wanting to ask her if it would be okay to stop by for a chat. We haven't talked in a while and- " I say as the man cuts me off.

"Not a problem. I will let her know that you have called. Goodbye," he says with a harsh tone, immediately hanging up the phone afterwards.

I walk back to my car and drive away to the nearest McDonald's. I order some french fries and eat them while listening to Thea's favorite band. I look at the time and notice that I have fifteen minutes until class starts. Finishing my fries, I turn around and head back the way I came.

Time to go settle all of this once and for all.


After learning about medicine and drugs for three hours, I decide to give myself a luxury and go out to the mall. I'm not the biggest fan of shopping, but I could always use some new clothes. I find some new t-shirts with dinosaurs on them and put them in my cart. Next, I head to the jeans section. I spot a really cute pair of black skinny jeans that look my size. I begin to walk to them and a tall, blonde girl steps in front of me.

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