May 24, 2016

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So I'm in my flex session right now and I should probably be doing work but instead I'm on my phone filling out my public diary. I have no idea how I'm going to get through high school like this but it's stupid and so am I. I don't know how much longer this session is going to be but I think it'll go by faster since I'm writing on here. I think I'll put the times of each entry so I know when stuff happened during each day cause that could honestly help me some day. The first half of my day was really uniform and dull so I don't have much to say about that.

Right before this I had choral class and I'm 80% sure that the conductor decided to make my solo a section part so I've been booted out of that club. I don't know why she suddenly decided to do that but eh. It's whatever. I had a feeling she was going to do that from the beginning and I tried not to get my hopes up too high. My friend Mooguel(not his real name) came in to play guitar for the song so that was a plus if anything. I am a bit disappointed that I wasn't able to get the solo even though I thought I sounded okay last practice. I might have this happen in one of my stories or something because a lot of the things that happen in them are things that happened to me in real life. The rest of the stuff that I dream up in the middle of the day during times like these.

I'm actually working on a new story that stemmed from a Tumblr post I saw and a comment told them to write a book.

Now I hadn't seen any books like this so I thought to myself, 'That would make an interesting book!' so I started writing one because I thought it was a cool idea to branch off of

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Now I hadn't seen any books like this so I thought to myself, 'That would make an interesting book!' so I started writing one because I thought it was a cool idea to branch off of. I'm trying this thing where I write the entire book before I start publishing the parts cause that's advantageous for a few reasons. I can keep with a weekly update schedule if all the chapters are finished before hand and there won't be any stress about do people still want me to keep going or is it not clicking with everyone cause I'd have already written everything. It'll also allow me to add little hints here and there about what would happen later in the book. I've been writing in this on my phone for about twenty minutes now and I've only jotted down 451 words as of this point. I don't know what else to write so I'm gonna work on another book until I have something else that I find diary worthy.

So I just finished school for the day and I'm on the half hour bus ride back to my side of the city which is a hit or miss in terms of entertainment cause sometimes there are funny topics floating around the bus like who would die in what order if we were in a horror movie and other lighthearted things. I'm currently texting my friend K****** about my love life which is currently non-existent.

So I got my butt kicked in Pokemon. It wasn't my finest hour to say the least but my friend is just lucky she wasn't facing my team from Pokemon Diamond because that team was beautiful. I spent the rest of the day after the other entry working on my unpublished book which I'll just call Project: TSS. The time I wasn't getting raped in pokemon I spent book writing and watching YouTube while wandering around my dashboard on Tumblr. I'm such a productive person! Anyways I have a bunch of concerts tomorrow for choir so I have that to look forward to! So night y'all!


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