Chapter 3

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Maddie woke slowly, but she didn't want to open her eyes. She could just lay on the couch forever and rest...
"Why did it start hurting her all of a sudden?" She heard a familiar voice asked.
"I'm not sure. She may have moved in her sleep. I just know that she's going to be immobile a lot longer than she thought." A new voice replied. Maddie could easily tell it was Will.
"It wasn't that bad when I first saw her. I would've noticed if it were that swollen." The first voice said. Maddie ran the sound through her mind. Where had she heard it before?
"Well, for now she needs to rest." Will said.
Maddie groaned and forced her eyes open. Two men were looking down at her. The older was Will, as she's guessed. But she was more than surprised to see Jason beside him.
"Hey Maddie." Will said. "How do you feel?"
Maddie blinked and tried to sit up. Will and Jason both rushed to stop her, but not before a jolt of pain went up her leg.
"Ouch!" She yelped.
"Relax, Maddie." Jason said. Maddie paused, taking a breath, before forcing herself to sit up. She put her back on the armrest so she could keep her leg propped up.
She saw the icepack on her knee.
"Where did this come from?" She asked.
"I sent Jason down to get it earlier, don't you remember?" Will said.
Now that he mentioned it, Maddie could dimly remember waking up and hurting. Maybe she'd hurt so bad she'd asked for ice herself.
Maddie shrugged and turned her eyes to Jason.
"How long have you been here?" She asked.
"About an hour. I was just going to check up on you, but you starting hurting. I wanted to make sure there was nothing else I could do."
Will nodded. "He's been very helpful. Thank you, Jason."
Jason pursed his lips. "I'd better be getting back home. Lots of chores to do, ya know? Let me know if you need anything else." He walked to the door. Before he opened it, someone else did so from the outside.
"Oh! Hello, Jason." Horace said.
"Hullo, Sir Horace." He replied.
"Come to check on Maddie?" Cassandra asked with a smile.
"Yes ma'am." Jason replied. "But I've been here long enough. I'll leave you to your family." And with that, he was gone.
"He's a good boy, Horace." Cassandra said.
"That he is." Horace agreed.
"And quite useful, as well." Will put in. Horace and Cassandra looked at Will questioningly. He began to tell them about Maddie's episode.
Maddie listened closely with her head lowered. She was more than embarrassed by her actions. It wasn't like her to show how much pain she was in. Maybe it was because she was still half asleep at the time.
"Well, if that's true, you're not going anywhere for a while." Cassandra said.
Maddie kept her head lowered.
"It's okay to let people take care of you when you need it, Maddie." Horace said. Maddie felt anger boil up inside her. She hated attention. She hated when people worried about her. And she hated when people underestimated her.
"But I don't need it! I'm fine! You guys keep babying me, and I'll never learn to do anything! I thought that was why I was sent to Will! But all you guys do is fuss over every little scratch I get!"
By the time she had finished, she was standing with her weight on her right leg. Her fists were balled up, and she was breathing hard. She looked each of her family members in the eyes, one by one, until she got to Will. Unlike her parents, Will wasn't shocked. His expression was much worse. He was dissapointed.
"Madelyn, you know better than this." He said in a low voice.
Maddie began to protest, to start yelling again. But she hesitated. What good had her training as a Ranger done if she hadn't learned self-control? She knew deep down that yelling would get her nowhere. She would have to show them in another manner.
"Crutches," she said, barely above a whisper.
"What?" Her mother asked.
"If you want to help me, I can't stop you. But you know I'm not going to give up. So, we should compromise. Let me use crutches."
Horace looked at Cassandra. She was staring at Maddie, clearly frustrated.
"I am your mother! I don't have to compromise with you!" She said.
"Cassandra," Horace put a hand on her arm and leaned over to whisper something in her ear. Maddie didn't know what her father had said, but she watched with interest as Cassandra's face softened considerably.
"Very well..." She said. Horace nodded.
"Maddie, you can use crutches." He said.
Maddie felt like giving off a big sigh, but she held her posture. She didn't want her parents to know that she had doubted her move in the least.
"But," Cassandra continued. "You'll have an escort with you at all times."
Maddie opened her mouth to shout, but Will cleared his throat in warning. Maddie looked at him.
"Maddie," he said. "I believe that is a very reasonable compromise."
Maddie lowered her head and nodded silently. Then she looked at her father as a new thought struck her.
"Who will my escort be?" She asked quietly.
Will stepped forward. "I have an idea." He said. Horace raised his eyebrows.
"Let's hear it," he said.
"Her escort should be someone you know and trust. Probably young and strong. Definitely someone who will care about Maddie's wellbeing."
Horace nodded. "All fair statements. I assume you have a suggestion?"
"Yes," Will said. "Her escort should be Jason."

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