Chapter 2

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A day later, Will had agreed to stay behind and keep an eye on Maddie while Horace and Cassandra went to visit Duncan.
Maddie had eventually given up on trying to convince Will to let her get up and try walking.
"Your leg needs to rest," he'd said.
So, she'd decided to take a nap. She was sleeping lightly on the couch now, while Will sat in the chair, nursing a cup of coffee.
You'll do great things one day, Maddie, He thought. You're going to make an excellent queen.
A knock jerked Will from his thoughts. He stood and walked to the door.
When he opened it, his first thought was that he didn't know the boy. He had blonde hair that swept across his forehead. His blue eyes shone brightly. He was obviously a battle student; Will could tell from his toned muscles.
"Uh, hello," the boy said. Will was a little shocked by his tone. Most people were unnerved by the sight of a Ranger. This boy wasn't. He was obviously shocked to see Will, but his voice still held its confidence. Will instantly liked him
"Hullo," Will replied.
"I was looking for Sir Horace? Or, more particularly, his daughter."
Will cocked his head. "She's sleeping," he said. "And Horace is visiting Duncan. Can I help you with something?"
"I was just checking up on Maddie." Jason said.
Will considered him for a moment before stepping aside.
"Maybe you should come in," he said. Jason stepped inside and Will closed the door behind him.
"So, how do you know Madelyn?" Will asked casually.
"Well, she got ambushed by a couple of morons yesterday morning. I guess you could say I 'ran them off' and then took her back here."
Will listened carefully. This was the first time he'd heard the story. He also liked the way Jason told it. He wasn't bragging about chasing off the boys. He was simply telling the story.
"Is she gonna be okay?" He asked quietly. Will noticed a different look in Jason's eyes as he watched Maddie. It wasn't necessarily worry, but it was close. He nearly flinched as he detected it. It was protectiveness.
"Yes, once she lets herself rest. How long have you known Maddie?" Will asked.
Jason looked at him with understanding eyes. He knew what Will was thinking.
"Don't worry, Ranger. I've only known her since yesterday."
Will nodded. He opened his mouth to speak again, but Maddie moaned at that moment. Jason turned back to look at her. Will knelt down beside her.
"Maddie?" He said.
"Will?" She croaked. Will's heart broke. She sounded miserable.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"It hurts." Her face contorted in pain.
"What hurts, Maddie?" He stroked her face. She gasped for breath. Her hand felt around until it found Will's and she squeezed.
"Jason," Will said. "Go to the kitchen and get a wet cloth. The boy ran out of the room and returned a few seconds later, cloth in hand. Will took it and began to run it over Maddie's forehead.
They stayed like that for several minutes until Maddie finally calmed down. She was sweaty and completely drained of energy, but she seemed to be in less pain.
"Maddie," Will tested. She opened her eyes slightly.
"Will..." She breathed.
"What hurts?" He asked again.
"My knee. Left one." She closed her eyes again, and Will stroked her hair one last time before moving to her legs. He lifted the blanket up and rolled up the left leg of her breeches. Jason gasped.
"Oh my..." He said. Will stared at her knee. It was swollen and purple. She must have twisted it, Will thought.
Or she just hurt it more when she'd tried to walk on it, he reasoned.
"Jason," Will said slowly. "Go down to the kitchen and get ice."
"Yes sir," Jason said before speeding off.
Will looked up at Maddie's face. Her eyebrows were drawn together, like she was mad. Or in pain.
"You're tough, I'll give you that," he said. She didn't stir. He watched closely until the door opened again and Jason appeared behind him.
"Here, sir," the boy said. Will took the bag of ice and laid it gently on Maddie's knee. Then he stood.
"I'm going to get lunch. Need anything?"
Jason shook his head, but kept his eyes on Maddie. Will hesitated, then decided the boy was trustworthy and walked to the kitchen.

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