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I walked into his room. There are no lights it was very dim I couldn't even see my own hand.

"Welcome Ms.Burnt." said an old man. OK this is not Mr.Moody. I thought. The room got colder but not any lighter. I suddenly wanted Casi to help me. Shivers went down my spine, like needles piercing my arm at the doctors office. But this was worse. It was like a stab.

"I am Mr.Dase, a substitute, or replacement for Mr.Moody." he spat at the word replacement. Who knows what's going to happen. All I know is that I might die from fear.

Suddenly, the room got lighter. But only slightly. I noticed the brick walls were cracked, and moss covered them like a jungle. The room was large and had no door. But what happened to the one I walked into? Gone. Forever I believe. Nothing was there, only Mr.Dase and I.

"I see you have adjusted to the room Ms.Burnt." Mr.Dase said. His voice bothered me, like Casi each time I am late. Wait! Casi!!!! "Casi! Help! Umm..." I started. He moved towards me. Scared, I backed up. "Sorry but I mean no harm done why are you screaming?" He said. I stared at him. Confused. I ran to the hallway, unsure where I was going. The floor was concrete, and my feet pounded on it.

I don't know why but I tried to scream again. Nothing came out. How? Why? Why must this happen?? I keep running, hoping to find an exit. But it's not like a sign is going to pop out and say " Exit here! You going to die!!"

Don't look behind you. What if he is chasing you! I laughed. "Yeah, right." Then I turned around to see he was chasing me. "Ms! Stop I mean no harm!!" I heard him yell.

Then I heard a scream. It echoed across the room. Where is it coming from? I thought. When I was little I swore to the Heavens that I would heal anyone who was wounded. And I do that to this day.

Once when I was 3 my uncle was working on the brakes to his van. " Damn those car fixers! They don't even fix the car!" he cursed. "Uncle Brandy, you can do better than the car fixers." I told him. He pulled out from under his van, and smiled at me. " You are such a sweet niece. " he said. I blushed. Chills came over my spine. Then a scream, as sharp as a knife, piercing through my ears like bells.

I don't remember what happened next. I remember waking up by a gravestone, unable to make out the markings. ( duh because I was only 3!) My father came by next to me, his eyes full of tears. ' I am so sorry Teresa. I had to do it." he said. I never understood.

I looked around, trying to find who ever screamed. I spotted someone on the floor, moaning, moments later. "Help..." they said. They had long brown hair, and they seemed to be wearing a fancy dress. The dress was a dark purple, and next to them was a broken wine glass.

Blood stained her dress. Along with her hair, and the wine glass seemed to have spilled some green liquid. There was no sign of a stab or anything. I knew someone who was poisoned would not scream, but only gasp, covering their mouth or neck in order to breathe. I looked at her glass, analyzing it from every corner. I noticed some blood in the green liquid, I looked back at the girl out of her mouth came a black spiral.

I turned around, shocked I fell on the ground. Mr.Dase came towards me. "Why are you so frightened?" He asked. I turned back to where the  woman was. Mr.Dase looked where I was looking, took my arm and started to stroke it with his hand/fingers. " Listen, Mr.Moody is not here because of important business that he wouldn't tell me. I may seem scary but we have to get out of here now." I looked up, Mr.Dase looked at me, I noticed he looked younger than minutes before.

"We are not supposed to be here but when you came in we both ended up here. I have been here before, it is where our future holds. If we know our future things could turn really nasty. And we only have 1 chance to fix that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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