Chapter two.

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Heyy...I know it's been forever since I've uploaded and I'm really sorry for that...I'll try to update more often and also the first chapter went under some re-doing....thanks for reading :3


* Re-cap *

They stop as they reach an old  tavern then leap down into the streets.Arabella pushes the door and strides in, ignoring the stares of the others already there. The tavern is dimly lite, others of shady work rest and drink. The two  go to an oak  table where two more males sit. One appears to be in his teens the other looks to be in his thirties. The older one speaks.

" So how did it go Arabella?" 

Chapter two

She turns a wooden chair around then lowers herself upon it, straddling it. She looks at the man that spoke, Remero and the other teen greet each other by grasping the others wrist then pulling so that the shoulders touch and they pat each other on the back. Arabella rolls her silver eyes sarcastically at this, causing both of them to laugh good natured at her and the man to chuckle. 

" Come on Ara, cheer up. Or do I have to kiss ya? "

Remero half threatens, half jokes. She gives him a death glare that would frighten most but he simply laugh  as does the other teen, the man glares playfully at them. 

" Remero, Philipe, control yourselves please, or no wine. " Immediately, much to Arabellas amusement, they shut up and look at eachother with foolish grins at the thought of ale. With a sigh and yet another roll of her eyes, she looks at he man and answers his previous question. 

" It went well, only one person was around and I am positive she did not see me...foolish girl was most likely too busy imagining how he was in bed.. ."

The last part she half mumbles, causing the man to quirk a brow curiously at her.  She sighs, slightly irritable, then shakes her head, muttering a quiet.

" Never mind.... " 

The man sighs quietly then lifts his hand and motions for a round of wine to be brought to the four, quickly a servant brings four cups of wine are brought to them, after the glasses are set in front of them the servant bows then disappears to help other guests. Remero smirks at Philipe then mouths

" Watch this. "

He clears his throat then looks to Arabella. 

" Say la mia bella, I bet you one kiss I can finish three glasses of  wine and still throw a knife into the center of a target.  "

A small smirk pulls at the left side of her lips as she looks to Remero, a soft chuckle escaping the man. 

" You shouldn't have done that Remero.... "

He chides playfully then looks at Arabella, curious of what she will say.

She chuckles softly as she parts her lips to answer him.

" Alright Remero...and if you cannot then I get all your targets for a week . "

" You have yourself a bet Bella . "

Remero answers, feeling quite cocky and certain in his abilities. Arabella takes a leisurely sip of her wine, already knowing the outcome of this juvenile bet.  She looks at Remero again. 

" Oh and I'm not your Bella.  "

She turns away from him, Philipe laughing at the scowl now taking place on Remeros face. He already had downed two glasses of wine and the effects of the drinks were already taking place. The smirk once again plays upon Arabellas lips and the man sighs once again, causing her to roll her eyes.  

" You are always saying I need to lighten up il mio maetro. "

She states simply, still no emotion protrayed in her voice yet within her eyes there was amusment. She takes another sip of her wine, eyes darting to Philipe as he laughs. Philipe jerks his head to Remero who had just finished his third and final glass of wine. 

" Alright! Time to win this bet...and get that kiss! "

Remero exclaims...half drunkenly. Arabella sighs softly, along with the man then the four stand up. Without paying for the wine they exit the tavern then begin walking down the road that leads to the outskirts of the village. Remero laughs as they walk, practically yelling how wonderful the kiss is going to be and perhaps he'll get more from Arabella. An annoyed growl emits from her as she hears this, causing Remero to laugh louder and Philipe and the man to chuckle softly. Philipe places a hand gently on Arabellas shoulder. 

" Give the guy a break, he's drunk, hopelessly in love with you and has a chance at getting a kiss.... " 

" I will not give him a break...and please remove your hand from me "

She strides forwards, smirking as they reach the forest edge, several practicing targets on the trees.

"Well Remero...lets see how good of a drunken shot you really are.  "

she leans against the trunk of a tree as she gazes at the target, not even bothering to look at Remero. Philipe sighs quietly and takes his place beside Arabella as he watches, the man simply shakes his head slowly. Remero takes out a dagger and with a clumsy flick of his wrist, sends the blade slicing threw the air, only to completely miss the target. He lets out a long string of curses, for not only will he not get the kiss now but also Arabella gets all his targets for the next week. A smile graces Arabellas lips as she turns to walk away. 

" Perhaps next time you will be lucky enough to hit the target.... "

She chuckles motionlessly then disappears into the shadows of the forest to be by herself for a time, not wanting to deal with the males...mostly the drunken Remero. 



La mia bella : My beautiful

Il mio maestro : My teacher

Thank you sooo much for reading you guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you keep reading :3 I'll post the next chapter as soon as possible <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2012 ⏰

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