"Harsh," I muttered.

Jesse's eyes flew open and he sat up all in one swift motion.

"Dylan? What are you doing here? It's the middle of a school day," Jesse exclaimed.

"This is true," I agreed. "I came to see if you're okay. Also, to tell you that you're a complete idiot for taking the fall for Sean."

Jesse frowned and opened his mouth.

"Don't even start," I cut him off. "I'm not dumb, I know you're covering for Sean. I was with you during the time of the arson. Besides, I know you and I know Sean. Even if I hadn't been with you, I would have been able to guess which of you did it."

"Okay, great job, Sherlock. You figured out the mystery. What do you want, a prize or something?" Jesse shot back. "I thought I already established with you while we were in the car: we're done talking, Dylan. We aren't friends. We never were and never will be, and my life is none of your concern. Stop being so goddamn pushy."

"You can't run away from me here, Jesse," I said calmly. "Why did you take the fall for Sean? What about your family? Who will take care of them while you're in here?"

Jesse looked up at me through his lashes. "You don't get it, Dylan. I have to protect Sean for so many reasons."

"At what cost, though? You do realize that this jail time is going to go on your permanent record? As well as the week's suspension?"

"Of course, I'm not stupid."

"Well, why would you take the blame for it then? What if you are trying to get a job or something later on in life and the reason you can't get it is because of this jail time being on your record?"

He let out a sharp, fake laugh. "God, Dylan, you don't understand. I'm never going to leave this town. How can I? But I want Sean gone. I will lie, and cover for him, and do whatever it takes to make sure he gets a scholarship, leaves town, and never returns."

"Why can't you leave? Also, you probably know enough about Sean that you could get him locked up for a long time. Then you wouldn't have to worry about him leaving town."

"I have to take care of my family, and the home my mom spent her life fixing up and making beautiful. And I can't ever tell anyone the truth about Sean... he knows something about me, and if I ever told anyone his secrets, he wouldn't hesitate to tell mine."

I frowned. "Your secret can't be so bad that you'd be willing to throw your life away..."

"If my secret got out, that would be it for me."

He and I stared at each other for a moment. His eyes were wild, a challenge burning within them, daring me to ask. The question burned on the tip of my tongue. What did you do? I didn't ask.

"While you're gone, is there anything you want me to do to help out your family? I'm not dumb, I know you're the only one who ever does anything around the house, who takes care of everyone."

He bit his lip for a moment before releasing it and shaking his head. "No, I can't ask you to go anywhere near my house. I won't risk the possibility of you bumping into Sean."

"I'll be fine. I can handle Sean."

Jesse stood up. "No."

"Jesse, it's no big deal. Besides, is Sean ever even home? What is the probability of seeing him really?"

"Even if the chance is small, it's still a chance, and I don't want to risk it."

"Well, it isn't you risking it. It's me. And if it makes you feel better, I'll take someone from the team with me. Harrison all but pledged his allegiance as my bodyguard today after what happened at the party. Now, what do you need me to do?"

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