1. Stuck Together-Syren

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This book in its entirety is dedicated to victims of police brutality. Especially those who didn't get the justice that they deserved. To all the hashtags that look like me this is my voice to you.

"Why don't you just tell Mike you like him?" My best friend, Ember, whispered loudly in our phycology class.

She caught me for the thousandth time staring at my long-term crush better known as Mike. He was practically a musical genius he could play every instrument and he had the voice of an angel. Not to mention captain of our basketball team. With that being said I'm not the only girl with eyes for him.

"Social Suicide!" I whisper back.

Mike isn't exactly known for dating around matter of fact he's dated Trinity since middle school and they are glued at the hip. Of course they would be together with him being captain of the basketball team his obvious choice would be to pick the cheer captain and the prettiest girl at our school according to Twitter polls. From what I heat Trinity supposed to be really nice I would never know because her and I don't come close to the same circles.

Mike included, me confessing my undying love to the guy who is dating the Beyoncé of my high school wouldn't end pretty for me socially. I barely get invited to parties as it is and I don't want to be shunned from the few that I can attend.

"So let's talk about the social divide with in the black community. The age old dark skinned versus light skinned debate. Where did it come from and why do we still feel the need to discuss it." My teacher, Mr. Finn, leaned back against his desk observing us.

The room was pretty much dead silent. My school is pretty diverse but it seemed as if the ones who created the diversity are left as unwanted step children.

"Who cares man light skins winning any way." This kid shouts from the back of the class dapping another kid off.

It stings a little that it was Mike participating in the joke but oh well.

"And why is that Michael." Mr. Finn takes off of his wire framed glasses and fold them neatly before peering off at Mike in the back of the class.

"Because dark skin people chicks especially just usually ratchet. Light skins especially girls just carry themselves better and that's facts." His preaches as if he just stated some big theoretical concept.

My face begins to heat up. I carry myself with the most dignity and respect more than his girlfriend I know that for sure. Besides me and Ember were the only "technical" black girls in this class. Ember is way lighter than I am so she never gets as much slack as the black girls but she still gets it.

"And I'm calling your bullshit, Mike Syren isn't ratchet and she carries herself well." Ember shouts at him. I blush severely with her mentioning my name putting the attention on myself.

"Language Miss Blackwell." Mr. Finn scolds before letting the debate continue.

"She hardly counts because she ain't really nobody." Mike scoffs before rolling his eyes in my direction.

"And who are you Mike? A raggedy little boy who wishes they were a pop star or are you just a raggedy little boy whose parents don't give a damn about him and he's resorted bumming off of his girlfriend who can barely take care of herself." I snap how dare he call me a nobody.

"Shut your monkey ass up Syren don't nobody care about you." He laughs again causing him and his other friends to laugh.

"See your little fight the power act will soon be over. Your type is out of style. You belong outside with the rest of the field slaves plotting on how you'll be as good as us in the house." Mike continues wiping the smiles off of his friends who no longer see the humor in his words.

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