Victoria Day 2016

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So today is going to be the first entry into this diary/journal/whatever you want to call this even though today was extremely uneventful cause it was a Monday without school. I'm not complaining or anything I just though that today was a bit dull despite all the progress I made in my game. I spent most of the day on my PS4 playing Tropico 5. If you don't know what Tropico is I'll explain it to you cause this is all just fluff anyways. So Tropic is a game where you take on the role of a upcoming dictator who was appointed governor of a British colony. You have a five year time limit to gain enough influence and support to declare your independence from Britain. There are different missions that allow you to gain more support from revolutionaries and earn extensions on your reign as governor. Along the way you have the help of your loyal and trustworthy advisor, Penultimo to guide you on your journey with comedic statements and research developments. So once you gain your independence it's up to you to shape the island nation of Tropico how you want it. You can choose to create an industrial empire with factories polluting the land wherever you can make a building, you could make it the go-to destination for every tourist in the world, or (my personal favourite) you could amass a militaristic army that will make even the United States cower in fear of your regime. It's all up to you!

Also, I just wanted to say that I am in no way sponsored by the creators of Tropico, I just like the game a lot and spent a lot of my day on it.

That wasn't the only thing I spent my day on! If you've read my other stories and looked at the pretty pictures in them and taken anything from them it's that
The technical term for my kind would be an otaku. Say it with me kiddos!

Oh-tah-koo. Otaku. It usually used as a derogatory term (an insult) to describe a person who prefers to stay indoors in order to watch anime and play video games. Ex: "Wow he's such an otaku! He just stays inside all day with all that geeky stuff." A western equivalent would be a geek.

So I was on tumblr (Yes I have Tumblr. I'm a fifteen year only gay guy in high school. What would you expect?) and I saw this post from one of the blogs I'm following and it was promoting this new yaoi anime called Super Lovers. Long explanation short, yaoi is basically the anime name for gay stuff. So I remembered about it today and I decided to check it out cause it seemed really interesting. So I searched it up on YouTube and found and account that has great a quality version of the anime with English subtitles because I sadly am not able to speak and understand Japanese fluently even though it's one of my goals for the future. So anyways, I watched the first episode and I was shocked at how close to home it was. The majority of the first episode was in the Canadian Rockies in western Alberta which is literally a few hours away from where I live. So I'm already excited by it right? Then the couple gets introduced and I immediately fanboy over them cause they're so freakin cute! So I'm immediately hooked and start watching the rest of the episode, and then the next, and the next until I've caught up to episode 7 and am now waiting eagerly for episode 8 to be released on Wednesday.

I'm about to pass out so yeah I'll write in this tomorrow.


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