Chapter 2: Meeting him

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At your new school,

"(Last name) san, your room is 2-1, 1st floor, turn left at the stairs and please wait for your class teacher outside the classroom." The principal told to you. You bowed to him and got out of the principal office on the 1st floor and headed to the stairs. Although you went to the school early since it was your first day, it was already crowded by then. You glanced to the entrance only to spot a group of 6 guys. One of them had blonde hair with earphones plugged in his ears. The guy next to him had purple-black hair with glasses. The third one has reddish hair with a black hat. Another one had purple hair and was hugging a brown teddy bear. The other looked younger than the others and had the same white hair but seemed quite angry or low-tempered. The last one had the same red hair like the third one but no hat and his tie was tied in an unusual way. Maybe you were staring then for a while that you didn't notice that the last guy was looking at you too. Embarrassed, you avoided his gaze quickly and dashed to the stairs, skipped two or three steps. Thanks god you didn't trip. When you reached the class, you waited outside the class for the teacher. But the same guy who you avoided appeared at the stairs again. "Not him again!" You thought and looked to the other side. "Please don't put me in the same class with him," you hoped. After a minute, the bell rang and students began to run to their respective classrooms. An older woman approached to you too. "Oh, you must be (first name) (last name). I will call you soon. Why don't you think for your introduction speech?"
"Okay," You nodded. She went into the class.

After a moment,

"Come in, (last name) san." Your teacher called. You opened the door and stood at the middle. "Hello. My name is (first name) (last name). Pleased to meet you all." You bowed to the class. The class got noisy as some boys told you were pretty, some girls whispered to each other. "Get along with (last name) san, class. Misaki Shiina is the class president. She will help you. " No sooner did the teacher say than a girl with red hair who you assumed the class president stood and bowed. Surprisingly, she winked to you. However, you just bowed to her in return.

"(Last name) chan, your seat is at the back beside Ayato Sakamaki. Sakamaki kun please get along with her." The teacher gestured your seat and began to start her lecture. You went to your seat and looked at the guy Ayato Sakamaki who had red hair with a tie tied in an unusual way. "A tie tied in an unusual way. This school has weirdos," you thought. But you suddenly remembered the guy that morning."Wait, that guy also had like that. What the fuck?"

"Why you again???"

He was the same guy you avoided this morning. Maybe your wish didn't come true.

Forbidden Love (Ayato Sakamaki x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum