"They know!" Allison suddenly said, she ran up to Scott and Stiles," Jackson's parents know, Gerard said his parents just talked to the sheriff!"

Stiles made it to the front of the car to listen to the police radio," oh no," Stiles wiped off his finger prints after dialing Jackson's parent's number and then dropped the phone.

"Where are we going?"

"Far, far away from here," Stiles said and drove off. They made it to an edge of a cliff," I need to go home for a little while, but I'll be back," Stiles said," I need to sort some things out, I might not even go home," Stiles said. He ran off, he got to thinking, he knew he had a good chance to get a vampire power, but it would really depend on what he would get that would change the outcome of his life. So, when he had a question, he goes to Deaton... Just to try something out," Deaton!" He knocked on the back door. He was let in, it was getting dark and he was worried about Jackson's changing.

"Stiles, is there anymore problems?"

"Okay, I want to find out about my powers, but I have one problem I had noticed a little bit ago," he lifted up and off his shirt to let Deaton see the two indents in his back. It looked darker than the rest of the skin.

"Well, I don't know what this is Stiles... I'm sorry, but I do have another book, the Argents came in here, I asked what happened to the Vampires, they told me about the Holz family," Deaton started.

"What is that? Holz?"

"Wood in German, they killed vampires with arrows, that way they couldn't get close enough to get compelled by a vampire, most vampires get a power to control people, I suppose that could be one of your abilities, try me..."

"Okay, what am I suppose to do?"

"Command me..." Deaton said.

"Alright... Sit down!" Stiles said, Deaton didn't do anything.

"Come on Stiles, really command me!" Deaton ordered.

"Sit down!" Stiles said louder and a little more fiercer. Deaton's eyes turned purple for a few seconds before fading, he stopped himself from moving though.

"See, I really felt the urge to sit down. You did it," Alan smiled.

"So, I can just make you feel like doing something?" Stiles asked.

"Seems like it, don't you have a Kanima problem?" Deaton asked. Stiles nodded, he started walking out the door.

"Thank you," he ran off. He got to the cliff edge to see the back of the truck busted open and Scott and Allison in the back of her car. He knocked on the back door and started yelling," hey!" He got their attention," he gone!" He gestured," he's got to kill someone!" He bolted again. He made it to the sheriff's office, only to see Jackson there, he knew he was in trouble. After sharp ridiculing from his father and a call to Allison to help sort things out, a restraining order was filed against them.

Stiles huffed, "I'm the worse son ever!" Scott said.

"Second," Stiles looked over at his father bickering with Jackson's lawyer father. The next day at school got worse, they met Allison in the library.

"This is everything Lydia could translate and trust me it was a lot!" Allison stated.

"What did you tell her?" Stiles asked.

It started with Peter [Sterek] (completed)Where stories live. Discover now