"The Taleh Toper? We didn't. I believe she's what these Middle Worlders call a 'sleeper agent'."

The boy snorted. "I despise her, sister. She thinks she's so much better than us just because she can Pull."

"We can't all be so blessed, brother. Don't worry, however. After she is no longer useful, I have something special planned for her."

"Special, sister dearest?"

"Special. I even prepared the special thumb screws and oiled the rack!"

The boy smiled but nearly leapt from his perch on the ledge when a loud burst of static suddenly filled the lull in their conversation.

"Sodom! Gomorrah! Stop trying to be creepy and get your lazy asses to the Under World! Morpheus is turning the place upside down looking for you two!"

The two jumped onto the roof of their building and bowed with their faces on the ground in front of the radio.

"Sorry, Shiri-sama! We're sorry! We'll hurry there right away!"

"Good," the voice replied. "And be prepared for a fight. Apparently Morpheus's fit is because he finally found the Half-Mother."

Gomorrah lifted her head with a wide sharp-toothed grin splitting her pretty face. "The Half-Mother?! Oh, what a glorious day!"

"Just get the hell down there. I'm busy and Morpheus-sama is threatening me with castration is he doesn't get some help soon. The Half-Mother can put up a good resistance effort, unsurprisingly." The voice sighed. "Now that we've got that out of the way... You two had better not be bowing in front of radio again."

"No, not at all, Shiri-sama," Sodom groveled.

The woman on the other end gave an indifferent grunt. "Just get down there."

Static fizzled from the radio again and then there was silence except for the wind blowing.

Gomorrah stood, her smile gone.

"Stupid bitch," she growled.


The red eyed girl couldn't believe her luck.

Finally, she had managed to find the albino alone.

On an empty street and without her akuma.

She seemed different, though. She was wearing a sundress, for starters. The red eyed girl had never seen the albino wear a dress. And her hair was short, straight, and messy. The red eyed girl somehow doubted she had changed it late last night.

'You're getting distracted!' she reminded herself.

The red eyed girl once again set her focus on the albino.

'Be smart,' she reminded herself. 'Make your kill quick and efficient.'

A gust of wind blew past and the red eyed girl shivered. A miniskirt, as the humans called it, was not the best garment for sitting fifteen meters up on a ledge. Of course, back home, she was used to wearing clothes that would get her detained for public indecency here. But she never would have been stupid enough to wear something so skimpy in the colder regions of her homeland that she so loved to visit.

The girl shook her head in attempt to dispel thoughts about her home. A clouded mind would only distract her from her kill.

She returned her attention to the street below...only to not find her target.

The red eyed girl face-palmed. 'How could you be so damned stupid?!' she reprimanded herself. The albino had probably escaped and was long gone by now.

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