2⃣ Our Full Family At Last

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Jack's P.O.V
"Dad" I heard Rose as she looked up to mark and he just looked confused but proud "oh I'm so sorry"( I want her). I looked back mark with joy as he nodded in a yes motion .we finally got to the talking room and it was time to make it official for her to be ours " Rose are you Ok with Mr.fischbach and Mr.McLoughlin ?" She was so excited I heard it in her voice " yes Sarah I'll be fine" for a thirteen year old I have never seen so much excitement "so Rose we notice that you already knew our names" mark smiled to her and as she took deep breath " yeah I'm sorry to scare you its just not everyday famous people like you guys come here to adopt and I watched both of your channels" and I guess she was overwhelmed that she had started to breath really hard again." Rose, Rose breath with me here Ok we already made our decisions" mark looked at me and I nodded again as fear made her face " its not me right" she looked down at her feet as I saw a tear fall from her face. " Rose it is you ,your the only one we really want" I grabbed her hand as I pulled her into a hug with mark giving me a kiss on my lips as Rose was still being in the middle of us have a giggling fit "cute mark look at our baby girl" I looked down as she looked up at me with a tint of pink on her cheeks."Sarah" rose opened the door and looked down the hall as she called her over. "Mr.fischbach ,Mr.McLoughlin do you plan to adopt" me and mark nodded in agreement "Rose" Sarah looked down at her as she too nodded her head.
Mark's P.O.V
"Rose will you be Ok with taking our last names or no" I looked at Rose as she opened her mouth "can I keep my last name and put it as my middle name" I looked at her with a smile of joy" sure you can princess" *time skip by an hour*Ok we were done until i saw that she was asleep on the couch in the room with light baby snores as I noticed something popping out of her beanie (is that a cat ear holy crap my daughter is a neko)."baby look" I tapped jacks shoulder and pointed at Rose as he was signing papers as he saw her little ear he quickly got up and fixed her beanie."awe but how are you guys gonna take her home" I shook Rose slightly as she woke up soon after "how long was I asleep" she looked up at me and had a sleepy smile as she messed with her wavy / straight hair as I got another look at her ear " about an hour princess" she blushed a little as she looked down at her feet " was I snoring loudly?" She giggled a little as I took her hand "no just little baby ones now come on let's get your stuff and take you home"
Rose's P.O.V
"YAY" I jumped around my room like a little kid again (wait how am I gonna tell them) I took off my beanie as I looked in my mirror and began to let my tail out of my sweat shirt (fuck its hard hide these) I heard knocking at my door "hold on lemme grab one more thing" I hid my tail and ears again . I opened the door one last time to see my new dad's waiting for me "ready princess".

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