1⃣ Meeting The New Member

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Marks P.O.V
May 1, 2016
@ the adoption agency
"Jack I'm nervous what if we can't find the one" I look at my husband with fear in my voice." Baby we will find the one and we will treat them as our own" he looks up at me with a reassuring smile." Hello I'm Sarah I'll be your helper for finding the right child for you now come on let's begin" we followed a short Burnett thru the agency to come to rooms with it having a folders on the side of them. Finally we came to the last door. As Sarah hands me the folder to look inside it.
-inside the folder-
Name: Leigh , Rose
Date of birth: June 6,2002
Rose's Thoughts: I wouldn't mind having same sex parents .I myself am pansexual I don't want the others to find out cause they are all rude about people like us and if a pair of searching parents tend to find a child .be very careful with isabell she would make a big fit about it cause her real parents broke up cause her father was bisexual.
Type: Korean , Irish & German
"Jack did you read it" I looked at my husband with pure joy."are you sure about this one Mr.Fischbach?" Sarah looked at me with concern ." well can we at least talk to her and see what she thinks." Jack looked Sarah in the eye " Ok I'll give her a shot" Sarah knocked on the door as we heard a sad voice with a Irish accent come from the other side "go away Sarah I know that nobody wants a me as a daughter" my heart broke just from hearing that ,I felt jack suck in a sharp breath as he was trying to hold back a whimper." Rose we have people this time that want to" we heard feet patter against the floor going more away from the door "hold on lemme get ready first and then I'll try and talk to them" I heard her voice sound a little more joyful but still sad .
-5 minute time skip-
Rose's P.O.V
As I finally put my beanie on to make sure my ears don't show, I walked towards my door to where Sarah and the others were waiting .(I hope these people take me home) I turn my destination away from the door and make towards my bed and grab my laptop (since that was the only thing that the orphanage gave me since I'm old enough, besides everything else) so I can put on some music .(how about the jacksepticeye outro) I put that on and walk back to my door as I began to open it I see that Sarah was about to knock again and notice the two men beside her, a man with red ass hair and the other with neon green.(its fucking markiplier and jacksepticeye) " hello my name is Rose its nice to meet you both ,you must be markiplier and jacksepticeye" I stuck out my hand towards the two as they seemed to be surprised by my reaction. as their faces lit up with pure joy " hey rose its nice to meet you too" they both stuck out their hands so I can shake them( fuck yeah septiplier is real my ship sailed) as I took their hands one at a time I looked down the hall to see the others shake their head in shame. We began to walk down the hall to the talking room (after turning off my music)as I always went to when people came to adopt. I was so excited that I began to have a panic attack of fear that they won't want me."jack help baby help" I heard mark tell Seán as he held onto my hand and shoulder "rose, rose breath with me ok 1..2..3..4" my panic attack stopped faster than my others have before."you remember who I am rose" (cause sometimes I'll forget things) mark looked at me while still holding onto my hand as I nodded my head into a yes notion. I was holding onto marks & jacks hand as we were walking to the room."dad" I looked up at mark he looked confused "oh I'm so sorry".

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