Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Faith Hegstad

Alit's POV:

I can't believe that just happened! I actually tricked Vector, er Ray. Iris was never cursed. I don't know why, I said that though. Something inside me wanted to trick Ray, and see if he would fall for it. And it worked! Iris can't go to Earth though. She can't because of me. When we got separated I met Ena, the queen of Astral World. She told me that Iris was in danger, and in order to protect her I needed to do something to her. Something I really didn't want to do. You see Iris is an Astral being, a Barian, and a human. I needed to take away her human quality. If I did she can't go to Earth. Why? It's because I had a vision. A vision of Iris on Earth. It was cruel. She was killed by...Ray. I know, you probably think that's not true is. Hard to believe right? That's how I got my gem stone. I have visions of the future. I watched Iris, as she saddled up her horse Snow Flake. Trey walked over to her. I couldn't hear them tough. Then my horse Thunder came over to me.

"Hi boy," I whispered.

Then Rio came over to me, while I was saddling up Thunder.

"So Ray told me you're taking us somewhere. A place that will tell us what these...Legendary Warriors are. Is that true?"

I nodded. "Yes, it's called Destiny Valley. It's where, all the new Legendary Warriors, go to see who they are."

"What do you mean by 'who they are'?"

"It means where they belong in the world. You see Legendary Warriors are protectors."


"Protectors of the three worlds."

"What are the three worlds?"

"I'll tell you more when we get there."

I climbed onto my horse, and held my hand out to Rio. She stared at the hand, and smiled. She took it, and I pulled her up. I looked over to Iris. Trey and Ray were with her. She looked at me, and nodded.

"You better hold on tight. This is going to be a bumpy ride," I told Rio.

She grabbed onto my waist, and I flicked the reins. Thunder suddenly jolted forward, and galloped. We were out of the forest in about five minutes at least. When we did though, I suddenly heard a weird sound. I looked up, and saw a dragon.

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