Chapter two

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  I wake up hoping to find Jesse lying next to me but I turn to se a note lying where he was I flip it open and read it. “Hey hun sorry I had to leave the boss called me I will call you tonight and hopefully we can go to dinner tonight love you, Jesse.” I slide out of bed still holding the note to my chest when I glance at the clock. Oh no its noon my boss is gonna KILL me if I’m late again. I run dropping the note take the quickest shower ever come my hair throw on clothes grab my phone and keys and fly out the door. I arrive at the stupid pizza place I work at fifteen minutes late I walk in and hear, “Steeve go home your fired.” Damn I needed this job. I turn and walk out without a word climb in my car and drive home.


  I pick up my phone flip it up and dial the familiar number after three rings I hear the sweet voice of Taylor, “Hey Adam what’s up?”

  ”Nothing much I was just wondering if you were free for some lunch?”

  "You know I have to work but you can stop by the yogurt place. Wait what happened to your job?” She said and I could se that “what did you do this time” look on her face.

  “Got fired guess people don’t like it when I take time off,” I say starting to laugh.

  “You’ve got to keep a job if you ever want to leave your parents house,” As she starts sounding like my mom yet again.

  “Please not this talk right now I’ll look for a job today… After I get my yogurt,” I say.

  “Oh ok I’ll be waiting,” she said starting to laugh.

  I slide off the couch grab my keys turn off the T.V. and head to the yogurt store. I grab my usual order, red velvet cake and strawberries; Taylor rings me up and asks for five dollars. I hand it to her lean over kiss her lips and say “Thanks for the discount now I have got to go get a new job,” I frown then stick a strawberry in my mouth savor the flavor then walk out hearing Taylor still laughing. I first interviewed for a pizza place and was rejected because apparently I’m to like the one who was fired. Then I saw a job at a carnival but when they told me I had to move around I walked out so that’s gone.


  I guess I have to find a new job now maybe I could work where Jesse does. Wait where does Jesse work? Wondering and feeling stupid I pick up my phone and dial the too familiar number Jesse picks up, “Hey hun what’s up?”

  “I need to get a new job and was wondering if there was an opening where you work?” I said hopeful. It takes him a couple of minutes so I think about hanging up when his voice comes through the phone saying, “Sorry for taking so long had to ask the boss if we had any openings and he said we have two,” My heart starts screaming with joy at the fact of working with him.

  “Awesome where do you work?” I ask my heart pounding in my chest.

  “I work in the yogurt shop down the street from your old job,” He says and I can tell he has the little half grin on his face “see you soon love you hun,” and with that he hang up


  I feel so stupid I should’ve asked Taylor if her boss has any openings. That might be difficult because he kinda hates me but it’s worth a try. So I call Taylor again and she picks up and says “Wow someone’s chatty today,”

  I start to laugh, “Yeah sorry I was hoping you knew if there were any openings for a job there?”

  Now she starts laughing “Well yes there’s two my coworker just asked that question and it will be awesome if you can start working here,”

  “Yeah it will I’ll head down as soon as possible to interview,”


ok i know this one was a short one i couldn't think of anything else to write but is it still good??

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