The City is Ours - Big Time Rush fanfiction Chapter Two

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Evie's Pov-

"Dad?" I cried out. "Please don't do this"

"You deserve it B*TCH!" He yelled as he tightened his grip on the knife he had in his hand.

He grabbed me by my hair, ignoring me screaming out in pain.


Suddenly I was sent hurtling towards the wall. As my head cracked against the cold concrete, darkness took over...


*Kendalls Pov*

"THANKYOU L.A!" I yelled through my microphone, as I led the boys off stage.

The boys, consisting of James, Carlos, and Logan. Together we are Big Time Rush.

"Man we were on FIRE out there!" Carlos said.

"Tell me about it!" was Logans reply.

"Hey, does my hair look okay?" James asked, with his hands on his hair trying to fix it.

"OHMYGOD!" Carlos, Logan and I yelled at the same time.

"WHAT! IT HAS TO BE PERFECT!" He yelled back.

"Hey hey hey! Whats all the commotion?" Gustavo asked, walking towards us.

"James is making a fuss about his hair again!" I told him angrily.

"okay! James! Will you shut up about your hair for 5 MINUTES! And Kendall, Stop whining!"

"But-!" I began to protest.

"ENOUGH!" Gustavo yelled, loud enough to get everyone around us to turn around and stare.

Darn it...

*James' Pov*

Dude! Why is it such a big deal that I love my hair? It's just like how Kendall loves his hats, or how Carlos loves his helmet, or how Logan loves... Wait, what does Logan love? Books, I think. Or all that medical stuff.

I was snapped out of my deep thoughts by Jo waving her hand infront of my face.


"Woah, yeah whats up?" i replied casually.

"Whats up?!?! WHATS UP?! You've been in a freakin' trance for like, 5 minutes! The bus is about to leave, so I suggest that if you want a ride back to the hotel, you move your butt! Or else..." She warned.

"Or else what?" I said tauntingly.

"Or else I'll mess up your hair" She said smugly, with her nose in the air.

"Wow! No! Drastic measures will not have to be taken! Look! I going!" I said, whilst speed walking away from her.

"Good James, now come on!"

She followed me out to the bus, and we jumped on and sat down in with everyone else on the sofa's.

I began to fix my hair, as it had been messed up from jumping onto the sofa, when my hands were smacked away from my head.

"DUDE!" I yelled out. "WHAT THE HELL?"

I turned around to see Kendall and Carlos, standing there, with a pair of scissors in their hands. I began to back up, realising what they were gonna do.

"Kendall, Carlos" I said nervously. " Whats up? You're not gonna be doing anything with those scissors are you?"

All I got was 2 evil, devious smirks in return, as they started walking towards me, opening and closing the scissors with every step.

"Guys?" I pleaded. Just as they were right infront of me, Mama Knight came out of one of the bedrooms, in time to catch them in the act

OH SWEET MAMA MERCY! I thought to myself, as Kendalls eyes wandered over to where mine were looking, and may I say, His reaction was PRICELESS!




I woke up with a pounding head-ache. I slowly began to push myself up, to see my surroundings.

I was lying across the floor, above a broken table.

What the?

Then suddenly, last nights memories flooded into my head. My dad. The wall, he threw me against the wall and left me when I passed out. I placed my hand up to my head, as if trying to stop the party that seemed to be going on in there. As I placed my hand there, i felt a lquid on it, oozing through my fingers.

I brought my hand down to my face, to inspect what it was. Blood. I had split my head open from impact.

I wiped the blood off onto my faded black jeans, and headed towards the stairs.

My dad shouldn't be home right now, thank god for that. As I reached the top stair, I felt really dizzy. I had to cling onto the staircase railing to stop myself from falling down them. I waited for the dizzyness to pass, and then headed to the bathroom, to see what i looked like after this beating...

Song of The Chapter- The Drug in Me is You ' Falling in Reverse

The City is Ours - Big Time Rush fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now