Broken hearts ;P1

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Au; I just wanna let you guys know that these chapter includes pj and Chris on it so yeah basically here's a little information Dan's boyfriend is Chris and pj's boyfreind is Phil  so Dan & Phil basically don't know each other but pj & Chris do know each other ,read the whole story for more ;)

Phils POV
I thought pj loved me !? But know it is clear that he didn't he cheated with another guy and try to cover it up it's completely obvious I saw him cheating with an guy at his room !! I just left and now he have someone and not just someone but with my best friend Chris Kendall I can't believe it I have known Chris since we were 5 years old and these is what he's gonna do to me ? Steal my boyfriend and I was so angry at both of them I stormed out of angerness and left the condo/hotel
/// earlier today ///
I was about to go home from my interview and I cheekily opened the door quietly for pj not to notice and I walked over upstairs and opened his room to surprise him but I was shocked by what I see , Chris and pj on his bed naked my emotions was filled in sadness and angerness the urge to just run Away forever ,I shouted at pj which made him looked at me with puppy eyes and the face that is saying "I didn't mean it I'm so sorry" look but I give him a glance and shouted "WHAT THE HELL ?!??! Pj how could you do these to me ???!???" And I burst out crying in tears and anger all over my body and he replied and I didn't pay much attention cause it's just him gonna stay I'm sorry but it's already been done so how the fuck do I forgive him !? "P-Phil I'm so sorry I didn't mean t- " I cuted him out by yelling again but some words can't be understand beacuse I'm crying " w-e are over ! How the he'll do I for---give you you broke my heart and wow Chris thanks so much ! For doing these to me ! I - I don't even know you! (He know him it's just an effect in word okay !) fuck you pj !" I screamed and run out of the condo/hotel still reeled with tears and angerness he didn't even bother to follow me ! Who cares ?! I hate my life
///present Phil ///
I found my self run thrue the park and sit down the bench curled up into a ball it was called outside I need to find a condo far from pj I can't bother see him anymore and once agin I burst in tears and black out in the bench
I just find out that my boyfreind have been cheating on me with a guy named pj I dint really cared about it because I didn't really like Chris I just can't feel the feeling of happiness around him I just feel empty and kinda sad beacuse he still is my boyfreind but he broke my heart part of me didn't care and part of me is broken ,I just went to the park my favorite place to be alone as I arrived someone was lying in the bench I ran near him checking if his alive ,he is but he passed out what should I do ? Maybe I should take him to my hotel ? That would be great right ? I'm not planning to do anything sexual or bad at him I just cared I don't know why the sight of the guy when I first saw him he's pretty like an angel he has a pale withe skin and soft ( ;> ) black hair I carried him bridal style (lol) my hotel is just near here so I would be okay and besides there's not much people to see plus I don't even live with Chris anymore I have my own hotel
Phils POV
I found my self being carried bridal style by a guy I don't know but I dint care he looks so handsome chocolate brown hair and white dark-ish skin he's hot and I didn't notice I have been staring at him for a while and I only notice when he gave me a smile and got back sleeping
Dan's POV
we are near my hotel and I saw the guy finally awake which is weird because he has been staring at me for quite a while and it was akward so I just gave him a small smile and he fell asleep again he is so cute I just want to kiss and hug him right now wai-t stop thinking about that Dan you don't even know him  , we finally arrived at my hotel and I swag my keys and dor open and laying him on my sofa and getting him water from my cupboard

Aeoo ! Hope you enjoyed my very first chapter pls support my book I will be updating every week and if you don't mind pressing the vote button it would mean allot :) -r

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