uno // louis tomlinson

Start from the beginning

We walked into the crowded club, already feeling the body heat. I whipped out my phone and texted Alex, telling him we were here. His reply was almost instantaneous. "They're in a private booth in the back." I yelled to Asa over the loud music. She nodded, and we headed towards the back of the building. As we walked closer and closer to where their booth was the numer of people decreased and decreased until there was only a few people in the booths. I gave Asa's arm a nervous squeeze, "What is they're pedophile's who wanna rape us?" I asked warily. She laughed, "Relax, they're probably just claustrophobic guys."

As we reached booth #86, theirs, I could see a mop of blond hair from behind and a face that looked slightly like Louis Tomlinson's. But I probably just need to wear my glasses.

A heart attack? That's what I almost had, when I walked to the front of our booth to see the faces Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson.

"Holy fucking shit" Asa whispered in complete shock. I nodded, in awe.

"Hello loves!" Niall said cheerfully. I inhaled softly, his accent was so adorable that I seriously needed to record it. Oh my goodness Angela, get yourself together. "H-hii" I stuttered breathlessly.

Louis grinned cheekily, "Are you alright? You need a drink?" he asked seeming concerned. I almost swooned, but somehow I managed to control my erratic breathing and seem like a semi-normal person. I nodded slowly and stuttered out, "Ye-yeah sur-sure, maybe ju-just a be-beer."

For my brilliant friend Asa, she was already up and normal as if it didn't matter that 2/5 of One Direction stood in front out own faces. And that's a lie, because it matters so much that I'm currently sitting in a booth, next to the one and only Louis Tomlinson. And oh my freaking stars does he look hot as hell.

"So how are you ladies tonight?" Louis asked genuinely, his arm hanging loosely around my shoulders. I smiled brightly, finally calming down. "Well I'm obviously very well!" I said my cheeks hurting from all the smiling I was doing.

Niall laughed, "Just act like we're normal lads, kay?" Asa nodded her head, and snuggled herself into Niall's side, well it looked they were hitting it off right away.

I turned to look at Louis, his arm now wrapped tightly around my shoulders, pulled me close into his muscular side. "Your pretty cute, you know?" He said flirtatiously. I blushed madly and turned my face away from his, trying to hide my embarrassment. I felt his finger tap my chin and he turned my face towards his again. I could feel his breath against mine, surprisingly it smelt of alcohol and mangoes. He then leaned back against the cushion of the booth and winked. "Your name's Angela, right?" Louis asked me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I nodded warily, unsure on what he was up to. But apparently it was just a figment of my imagination, because nothing happened. We just introduced ourselves and got through a round of hangman on Niall's phone, before the drinks came.

"What is this?" I asked the waitress curiously, pointing to the glass she set down in front of me. My drink was an off shade color purple, while Niall and Asa's was pink, and Louis' was green. The waitress grinned brightly, two deep dimples showing. Her name tag read Hannah. "Your drink is an Irish Raspberry Martini". I smiled gratefully and she walked away, high heels clicking along the marble floor.

"Cheers!" Niall smiled, and held up his cocktail. We clinked glasses and all took a sip from our glasses, I almost choked on my drink, it was extremely bitter. But it was some redeeming quality about it that made me wanna drink more. And in a span of 40 minutes, I had already downed down 5 more glasses, and was more drunk than ever.

"You wanna dance" I asked Louis, my words slurring together. He laughed and pulled my hand. We walked down the hall to the dance floor, neon lights flashing everywhere, tons of people dancing and grinding. We walked hand in hand into the midst of people. I pushed myself against Louis and grinded into him. The song Wake Me Up by Avicii blared from the large overhead speakers.

We danced and danced and danced, from one song to another. Moving our bodies in sync to the beat of the music.

"You're so sexy when you dance." Louis whispered seductively into my ear. My intoxicated self took this as an encouragement and I grinded my hips agianst his.

I felt his his hand reach for something and I took a step back to see what it was. All my drunk self could see was a flash of silver before a felt something sharp pierce my skin and shove itself deep into my ribcage. I heard a scream as I fell to the floor, unable to move, blood spreading everwhere.

"Wh-wha-what?" I croaked out, still in shock. Louis bent down and yanked the blade out of my side, a flash of pain ran through my slowly weakining body.

Through my incapitated state I could hear Louis' laugh and his last words,



So this one shot is for @yukiflakes cause she requested it, hope you enjoy my love.

if you wanna request one read the description and send me a message!

don't worry i can write sappy emotional ones too, but i dont write sex scenes, sorry.

love you lots - blessing :)

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