20- Little Red Riding Hood at a Party?

Start from the beginning

"What? Today! Oh My God." Emma exclaimed looking very excited with a wide smile.

"Yeah, so I was wondering if you guys want to come?" He said with a smile.

"No." Jack said

"W-What no way." I said.

"Hell Yeah, we are so going." Emma said.

The three of us spoke at the same time making him chuckled.

"Well the offer stands, but I really hope you guys come. It will alot I fun, trust me." He smiles at us and starts walking away. "Oh by the way Alex, Aiden's gonna be there." He chuckles at my red face and heads to the exit after he saw me blushing at the mention of the famous Bad boy.

"We need to go!" Emma exclaimed.

"What if Chris is there? Do you have any idea what he could do to us in that party?" Jack said with a look of distress making me more nervous about this thing. I mean none of us have ever gone to a party before. Mainly it was because no one's ever invited us.

"Relax guys, we'll be with the most dangerous boys of our school so nothing's gonna happen." She assures. "Come on guys, I promise you will have a good time, and if not then we'll instantly go. Okay?"

"Pinkie Promise?" I asked while giving her my pinkie which she accepted.

"Pinkie Promise." She said. "Okay so you guys talk to your parents so you can sleepover at my house."

"Okay, but waht about the costumes?" Jack asked.

"Don't worry I have alot at my house. Since my family leaves them there, we'll fix them up. Now let's get ready for the best night ever!"

Oh boy.


I have already called my mom and explained everything. She was reluctant at first but eventually gave in.

Right now Emma was straightening my hair a bit but leaving curls at the end. Jack was putting on his costume while we all listened to music.

Emma was ready looking gorgeous in her Witch costume. She was wearing a black tight short dress reaching a little up to her midtigh. A small pointy hat at the top of her curly hair. With some high heels black boots.

Jack on the other hand was looking so cute with his Madhatter costume. He was wearing the big hat with dark brown boots. He had a dark green t-shirt tucked under the awesome long jacket and black tight jeans.

"Awe Jack you look so cute" I said.

"Too cute may I say. Are you doing this for someone specifically? Maybe a sexy Bad boy?" Emma teasingly said making him blush.

"You know what, I'll wait for you guys in the living room." He couldn't have gone out faster.

Emma and I giggled as she put red lipstick to me.

"Okay, finished. Now out on your costume and get dowstairs so we can go." She instructed before going.

I got up and walked towards the bed opening the bag where the costume lay. It was a sleveless dark grey almost black dress. I started to put it on and when I finished I look myself in a mirror. The dress had a V-neck that show a little too much for me, it was tight hugging my body with the silk material. It reached a little up mid-thigh making me pull it down but it was no use.

Next I put on the long black leather boots that had not so tall heels. The boots reached almost my knees. Then I put the short red hood around me as I finished. I look closely to myself noticing that I don't look like myself at all. The makeup is natural except my eyes had black eyeliner making my eyes pop and my full lips with red making it match with the hood.

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