Chapter 1-Rescue Mission

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Down, down, in the innards of Buu we go. There lies our warrior, Vegito, who seeks to rescue his friends and family from the monster Majin Buu.

"Aw man, it stinks in here. Welp, good thing I put on a barrier before he absorbed into this disgusting place. Well, time to get busy, and this seems that it wont be a picnic."

Well, it's probably time for me to bring this barrier down......On second thought, maybe not, who knows what will happen if I do that. I said to myself.

After that, I began my search for Piccolo and the others.

"Hmm, if I were to judge where I am right now. Im probably somewhere near his stomach, he, I could almost smell all the cakes and sweets he's been eating."

For almost half an hour after I began my search, no sign can be traced to where they are hidden.

"Damn it, I can't sense anyone in this place. Wait a second, I haven't tried going to his head, Ive never tried looking there before."

I mustve gotten this carelessness trait from Kakarot. Good thing Vegita is counters the effect.

As I reached the top, there were two roads, which looks like Buu's veins which leads to left and right.

"Aw man, half of my head is telling to go to the right, and the other want's to go to the left. Damn, Vegita and Goku just can't agree with each other don't they."

As I continue my search, which I think Im near his brain. I noticed four looking pods which are connected at the ceiling and the flooor.

"Is that them?"

I rushed and flew towards their directions.

"All right it's them! Nobody can get greener than Piccolo, and I couldn't possibly get wrong when I see my own sons. Well, now that I finally found them. How could I get them out? Should I just cut these pods out and disconnect them? Mee, who cares I should just probably cut them down."

I straightened my hand making it look like a knife.


"Ok, there goes Picollo."


"And there goes Goten and Trunks."


"And finally Gohan."

Ok good, I just felt a massive decrease in Buu's power. Phew! Good job me. Now I just need to find a way out and we are good to go.


Meanwhile on the outside, There was Majin Buu, standing tall on a mountain, relishing his sweet victory against Vegito...Or so he thinks.

"What the?! What happened to me? Im back to my normal form?! Uh! Those bastards! It's them arent they! Curse you!"


As I start to carry the pods, I noticed something at the far end of the area.

"Wait a minute I think there something over there."

As I flew closer to it I saw something I never thought wss possible.

"Uh! This is...the old Majin Buu, the fat one. This must be what Piccolo meant, the time when Buu was split into two, where there was a 'good' Buu, and a 'bad' Buu. Obviously the bad guy won the fight."

Should I Cut this down like what I did to the rest of them? Maybe Buu's power will also decrease once I take this thing down.

"What do you think you're doing?!"
"What the?!"

Suddenly, there was a figment of Buu who suddenly sprung up right infront of me. Making me move back on instinct.

"Buu?! How can he be inside his own body?!" I said in surprise.

"That doesn't matter now, what's important herr is that why are still not a part of me?!" Buu shouted.

"Hmph, as you can see, it's because of this barrier. But let's be honest here, do you really think you have what it takes to beat me in your current state? As far as I can remember you cant even scratch me." I said in a boastful way.


Buu suddenly lunges and charges towards me with his fist ready to strike. Hmph, what an idiot.

As buu was about to land the punch to my face I teleported behind him.

"This is really starting to get old Buu. Eat this!"

"AAAAHHHH!" Buu screamed.

Before Buu can even see where I am, I relased a small energy ball. Enough to strike him down.

"Phew! Now that he's out of the picture, I should probably get out of here. Im sure he'll comback soon enough, unless..."

Before I go back to the pods, I walked towards where the 'fat' Buu was lying dormant.

"I should probably cut this down, just to be sure."


After that, I left the cut-out pod where majin buu was placed and wen't back to the pods, carried them, and went on my way to find an exit.

Will Vegito be able to find an exit in time? What would be the effects his actions? Will Majin Buu retain his normal form? Or will he unlock a new power from withing? Find out in the next chapter of DRAGON BALL Z!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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