Chapter 4

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I rummaged through my closet to find something to wear but didn't succeed. I slumped back onto my bed in my blue spongebob pajama shorts and white t-shirt. My natural curly hair was close to dry. I was right about to convince myself not to go when I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in," I said. The door opened and Sophia walked in.
"I could hear your frustration from my room."
"I don't know what to wear!" I gestured to my closet.
She sat down next to me. "I'll help you."
"You will?"
"Sure, just show me what you were thinking of wearing."
"Okay." I stood back up and started to pick and throw outfits onto my bed next to Sophia. I started to rearrange blouses and jeans and accessories to match. She stood up and observed my choices.
She brought her hand to her chin and looked closely. Finally she dropped her hands and said, "Nope. None of them."
"What? Why not? How about this one?" I grabbed my favorite dark blue floral blouse.
She shook her head, "You wore that to Aunt Lexi's party."
I grabbed my purple long sleeve dress. She shook her head again. "You wore that last year on your birthday."
I looked back down. "Oh! This one!" I grabbed a black dress with red lace at the bottom.
She turned expressionless. "This is a party, not high school homecoming." She sighed and shook her head once again in disapproval. "I didn't want to have to do this but you leave me no choice." She left the room for ten minutes before returning. She brought back a light coral long leeved romper. I jumped up from the bed. "That's mom's!"
"Don't worry, she won't even notice it's gone!"
"I can't take that!"
"She hasn't worn this since her and dad's anniversary-"
"Even more of a reason for me not to wear it."
She shoved the romper in my chest and ordered me to at least try it on. I sighed and did so bitterly. My curly hair fell to my lower back and for once, I was pleasantly surprised with it's volume. Sophia handed me a pair of nude heels and I knew that she also took these from Mom's closet. I slipped them on and surprised to see that they fit better on me than they probably would have on Mom's bigger feet. Sophia stood in front of me and examined. "That's what I thought."
She walked to my jewelry box and took a thick golden chained necklace with small charms at the bottom, the biggest being a dream catcher, and two bracelets to match. I put them on reluctantly. "Can I look in the mirror now?" I asked.
"Of course not," She said, "You still have makeup to do."
I stopped her right there. "Makeup? I don't wear makeup besides mascara, Sophia."
She rolled her eyes as if I was the adolescent one. "I know, Olivia. But today is a special occasion, therefore, you want to make sure you look your best."
I groaned as she sat me down on my bed and ran to fetch my mother's makeup. "Do you even know how to put on makeup?"
"I've seen a couple of YouTube tutorials." She mumbled.
My mouth dropped. "Then what are you doing trying to put makeup on me?"
"Oh come on, don't be a wuss-"
"A wuss? You're inexperienced! I'm not trusting you with my face!"
"Come on Olivia!"
The door opened and my mother popped her head in. "I am trying to watch my show and I can't do that with you girls yelling!" She complained, "Hey is that my makeup?"
Sophia slowly slid the makeup bag behind her back. "Um.. no?"
My mother's brows furrowed in confusion. She stepped inside and stuck her hand out. "What are you two doing with my makeup bag?" She asked as Sophia handed it back. Mom's eyes landed on me. Her jaw dropped. "Isn't that mine?" She pointed at the outfit.
I looked down at myself then back at her. "Um.. no?"
Mom looked back between Sophia and I and crossed her arms. "If you two wanted to mess around with my stuff, you could of just asked me."
"We didnt know you wanted us to." Sophia bit her lip. "But at least we know now, right Mom?"
Mom rolled her eyes and zipped open her bag. "Alright who needs the makeover?"
I slowly raised my hand. She stood in front of me and displayed her makeup on the bed beside me. Soon my face felt like a canvas and I was being painted on with bronzer, liquid eyeliner, mascara, highlight, and all the other junk Mom was noting as she put her cosmetics on me. On occadion, she stuck out her tongue and I realized I was a real life canvas in himan form. As she as she done, her and Sophia looked down at me with judgemental fingers on their chins.
"I like it," Sophia smiled. I exhaled my nervous breath. I stood up and finally turned around to look in the mirror. I couldn't believe my eyes. The neck of the romper dropped down just to expose just a little bit of breast were there. The heels made my legs look striking, and not just long toothpicks I walk on. My curly hair fell to my lower back in surprisingly perfect waves. Finally, my face. It was so radiant and overwhelming, I had to blink a couple of times.

The concept of dressing up everday was foreign to me, I forgot how beautiful I actually felt when I did so. Maybe this was something I could do more often. Sophia and my mom showered me with compliments, I had actually begun to believe it. Except now, I was hoping that someone else would believe it too. Today was going to definitely be a very special birthday indeed. My fingertips were vibrating with excitement and I was more than ready to face Landon once again.

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