"How's your hand?" Christian asked.

"It hurts." Lauren replied.

"I'll replace the bandage later." Christian said. Lauren slowly nodded.

She ate using one hand only. She quite had a hard time.


Cleaning time. Christian put the cleaning materials inside the music room. He swept and mopped the floor while Christina and I wipe the dust off of the instruments. Lauren and the twins stayed in the living room.


Christian's POV

I can't believe I just confessed to Lauren that I like her. Confessing to a Cimorelli takes a lot of courage. I wonder if Lauren likes me too.

I snapped out of my thoughts and started sweeping the floor. Christina and Lisa are wiping the dust off of the instruments. We have like 4 guitars here, 1 cajon, a piano and my drums.

"Who owns this drum set?" Lisa asked. I raised my hand.

"Can I play it?" Lisa asked.

"Sure. The drum sticks are inside that drawer." I pointed at the drawer where we keep the extra guitar strings and my drum sticks.

Lisa got my drum sticks then played the drums. Christina and I continued cleaning.

"Lise, keep it down please. The twins are sleeping." Lauren said, walking inside.

"Oh, sorry." Lisa said then kept the drum sticks. Lauren went back down.

We continued cleaning until the whole room is clean. I kept the cleaning supplies while the girls rested. I saw the twins sleeping, Nicky on the couch I think then Seyanna and Lauren on the floor. They're laying on the bed they made with the blankets. Christina placed a blanket over them. I stared at them for a while then went to my room.

I decided to call Casey.

"Hey dude."

[ yow Chris! Everything fine? ]

"Yeah. Seyanna and Nicky met, we're moving to our new house in 3 days and I just told Lauren that I like her."

[ cool! What is her reaction? ]

"She blushed. That made her more cute."

[ dude I gotta go. Call you when I have time. Bye. ] Casey ended the call.

I kept my phone then went upstairs to the music room. I got one guitar then sat by the window. I started to play some chords until someone sat in front of me. I looked up and saw Lauren. She's smiling.

"Keep playing please." Lauren asked. I continued playing.

Lauren got the cajon, put it in front of me. She sat there, listening to me playing the guitar.

"Hey can you play our song Before October's Gone? The chords are on my phone." Lauren asked.

"I play it, you sing it." I said. Lauren nodded then took her phone out.

She placed her phone on the window, showing me the chords. I played it then Lauren started singing. Holy crap her voice is angelic as heck. I'm in love with it.

"I love your voice." I said. Lauren's cheeks turned bright red.

"You're blushing. You're so cute." I said then pinched Lauren's cheeks.

"Stop it hurts." Lauren laughed. I stopped.

"When did you start playing the guitar?" Lauren asked.

"I taught myself when I was 12. 5 year old Nicky would always go here to ask me to play a song for her." I said.

"That's cute." Lauren said. I smiled.

I continued playing the guitar then suddenly the rain started to pour heavily. The lightning lightened the room. The thunder was so loud that Lauren got scared and hid behind me. She's holding my arm tight.

"You scared?" I asked. Nice one Chris, it's obvious that she's scared.

Lauren nodded slowly with her eyes closed. She's so cute. I closed the blinds so that she won't see the lightning.

"All gone." I said. Lauren slowly opened her eyes.

"Thanks." Lauren said. I smiled.

"Let's go downstairs." I suggested. Lauren nodded.

I put the guitar back to its place then we went downstairs. The twins are still sleeping. Lisa's on her phone and I think Christina's upstairs.

I went to the kitchen to get some chips then went to my room.


Lauren's POV

We went downstairs. I sat beside Lisa on the floor while Christian went to his room.

"Lise, I gotta tell you this." I said.

"Tell me what?" Lisa asked.

"Let's go upstairs." I said. Lisa kept her phone then we walked up the stairs.

We went to our room. We sat on the bed.

"Okay so tell me." Lisa said.

"A while ago when he bandaged my hand, he said that he doesn't want that to happen again because he doesn't want to see me get hurt." I started.

"Why?" Lisa asked.

"Because he likes me. Lisa he likes me!" I kinda shouted.

"Woah. Slow down kid. He told you that he likes you?" Lisa asked.

I nodded then smiled.

"You're growing up, infant." Lisa said. I laughed.

"Hope you survive your relationship." Lisa said. My eyes widened.

"I'm just kidding." Lisa laughed. I gave her a look.

"So.. Did you tell him that you also like him?" Lisa asked.

"Nope.. I'll just tell him when he asks me." I said.

"Just tell him when he courts you." Lisa said. I nodded.

"Chris needs to know about this." Lisa said then dragged me to Christina and the twins' room.

"Chris. Lauren's got something to tell." Lisa said. Christina gave us a confused look.

I told her everything. Christina's face is priceless. She's like crying and happy and sad.

"What if he courts you?" Chris asked.

"I'll tell him that I also like him." I said. Christina nodded her head slowly.

"And also, he played Before October's Gone on the guitar a while ago. I made him play it." I said.

"He knows how to play the guitar?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah. I didn't know until I saw him playing it by the window in the music room." I said.

"Did you sing along with him?" Christina asked.

"He made me. And he said that he loves my voice." I said.

"I bet your cheeks burned red." Lisa said.

"It did." I laughed.


2 updates today. Yey haha. Update again soon. 💙

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