Chapter 9

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Lauren's POV

I did what Christina told me to do. I locked all the doors and closed the blinds. Lisa helped me to bring the food upstairs. We're going to talk about what we're going to do to protect Nicky.

"Good job Laur. Now, we need to know what we're going to do. Nicky can't stay here, she's in danger. That guy might be out there somewhere." Christina said.

"I know Chris, but we can't make decisions. I'm going to remind you, we're only here to guide her for a while, we're not her legal guardian." Lisa said.

"Unless you guys become her legal guardian." I whispered.

"Great idea Laur. But we need to consult her brother and their parents. And mom too." Christina said.

"Can we eat first? I'm hungry." Lisa asked.

"You're always hungry. Okay, we'll continue this later." Christina said.

We ate, few seconds later, Nicky woke up.

"Hey Nicz. Let's eat." Lisa motioned Nicky to sit beside her.

"I lost my appetite." Nicky said then sat between Christina and Lisa. Christina put her arm on Nicky's shoulder.

"But you need to eat sweetie. You're going to drink your medicine." Christina said.

"I have an idea. What if everytime we make you laugh, you'll take a bite on your pizza." I said.

"How can you make Nicky laugh? We all know that you're not a good joker." Lisa said laughing.

"Wait, did you say pizza? I want pizza." Nicky said.

"Good. I'll get it downstairs." I said then went downstairs.


Nicky's POV

Lauren went downstairs to get the pizza. I got my appetite back when she said pizza.

"I see you love pizza." Lisa said.

"And pasta." I added.

"You and Lauren have a lot in common." Christina said.

"What?" Lauren asked. She's back with the pizza.

"You and Nicky have a lot in common." Lisa repeated.

"Yeah. You both love pasta, you're both quiet and your hobbies, almost all of them are the same. I guess that's why you guys are really close." Christina said. Lauren and I smiled.

"Here's the pizza. I believe your appetite's back." Lauren said then handed me a slice of pizza.

"Thank you." I said. Lauren smiled.


"Nick take a shower then I'll put the cream on your bruises." Christina said. I nodded.

I got my pajamas then showered. I brushed my hair then got out of the bathroom.

"We just had pizza but I really want one again now." Lisa said.

"Why?" Christina asked.

Lisa pointed at my pizza pajamas. Christina and I laughed.

"Where's Lauren?" I asked noticing that Lauren's not here.

"Downstairs talking to Katherine. Mike and Kath are going to bring some of our clothes and also Lauren's books. Lauren's staying here too. Your brother texted and said that he'll be gone for 2 weeks." Christina said.

"I like your stay here but why is he gone for 2 weeks?" I asked.

"I think it's best for you to call your brother. You'll understand it better when he's the one who's going to tell you." Christina said.

"Can I call him now?" I asked.

"Sure sweetie." Christina said then handed me her phone. I called Christian.

Few minutes later, I ended the call.

"I miss Christian.." I whispered then sat on my bed.

"He'll be back soon sweetie. He's doing it for you." Christina said, she sat next to me.

I burried my face in my hands then cried. Christina hugged me then stroked my hair. They all know what to do to make me fall asleep. I fell asleep within seconds.


Christian's POV

Nicky called me and asked why I'm extending my stay here. It's hard to explain but I'm doing this for her. She misses me so much and so do I, I miss her so much too. I know that Christina, Lisa and Lauren are there to protect her but I'm doing this so I can protect her when I come home. That guy is coming back for her.

"Yow Chris!" Casey waved his hand across my face.

"Oh, hey." I said.

"Thinking about your baby sister again?" Casey asked.

"Yeah. I'm really worried. The girls are with her to protect her but still, that guy is somewhere out there. He might hurt them all." I said worried.

"That's why we're here. To learn to fight. So you can fight that freaking guy when he's hurting Nicky." Casey said. I smiled then we went back to our room. We need to sleep.


Lisa's POV

I just finished fixing my clothes Kath and Mike brought. Lauren's still fixing here stuff while Christina's with Nicky.

"Lise can you please stay here beside Nicky? I'll just fix my stuff." Christina asked.

"Sure." I said then took Christina's place.

Nicky's laying her head on my chest. I stroked her long brown hair. I stared at her beautiful blue eyes. She's just so perfect.

I wish that this thing never happened to her. She's sweet, kind and everything. She doesn't deserve a life like this. But I won't question God why he gave her a life like this 'cause I know that things will get better.

Tears are streaming down my cheeks. We got very close to Nicky immediately. We treat her like our baby sister. Lauren noticed that I'm crying before I can wipe off my tears.

"Lise are you crying?" Lauren asked.

"No I'm not." I lied. Lauren just nod, then went to sleep (she's sharing the bottom bunk with Christina.) I think she's not convinced..

"Hey Lise, please lay Nicky down. I'll put the cream on her bruises." Christina said.

I laid Nicky down and lifted her shirt up. Christina put the cream on her bruises. I checked my phone for the time, it's 10:15, think I'm going to sleep.

"Chris I'm going to sleep. Do I still have stuff to do?" I asked.

"Uhm, no more I guess. Go to sleep." Christina said.

I kissed Lauren and Nicky's forehead then climbed to my bed.

"Goodnight Chris." I said.

"Goodnignt Lise." Christina replied.

Christina turned off the main light then turned on Nicky's fairy lights.


Yey Christian's POV! I was in a good mood this morning that's why I updated today. Thanks for all the reads 💙

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