His Parents?

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I woke up remembering I was meeting his parents today I sat up and walked into my washroom I brushed my H/C hair I got undressed and took a showers...

Travis POV
I noticed she woke up I finished breakfast the water turned on from upstairs so I thought she's taking a shower...I poured her favourite juice in her favourite cup and sat it on the Table..

Your POV

I turned the Water off and got out I dried myself then put my robe over myself and covered my hair with a towel I walked downstairs I noticed Travis was here I smelled breakfast from around the corner Travis was behind me I peeked over the corner and noticed he wasn't there I looked back and there Travis was holding my waist as soon as I saw him "Morning Babe"He said I felt him smirk " missed me"I jerked "Course!"He said I took a seat I took a sip of my juice "So Travis what do I call them?"I Asked "I don't know ask them  at their house" He replied back then ate a piece of his food I nodded and then ate after awhile I finished but Travis finished first..I walk upstairs into the washroom I fixed my hair then got dressed into a blue dress then walked back down an hour later noticing Travis had something nice on...."Let's go."He said I nodded then he took us to he's parents house...we got out of the car.."woahh.."I said "This is your house!"I added looking at the big Mansion "Yeah...Well my Parents house.."Travis Said "well do I look okay?"I asked "Perfect" He said He holds my hand and we walk to the door step..I press the door bell "Come Inn!"This Lady said...Travis opens the door then "Honey you got soo Big..Since I last saw you!" she said "Yeah"He answered.."who's this Beautiful young lady??"The Lady asked "Oh this is Y/N My-My GirlFriend.."He said "Hello!"I said "Hello Y/N my name is Lacy.." Lacy said This man came out of the Living room "And I am Patrick!"He said and added a laugh "Annnnd that's my dad!"Travis Said..Heh this man I assumed was a butler guided me to the Dining room...after a while we talked and stuff "So how long were you two together?"She asked "six Months"Travis answered the Butler came out with food then we ate.."Good night mom!!!"Travis Yelled "Night Honey!"She answered we walked out the door...we attached hands then walked to the car..he opened the door "thank you!"I said All Fancy "your welcome Mam'"He answered I smirked at sat down he closed the door and walked around the car he got in the we pecked each other's lips...We drove away And went the other direction then home...

I'm sorry for the LATE upload...Anyway I'm having a challenge There's gonna be 2 new ppl moving to my street ones gonna be your sister and one your old best friend!!!
Comment...Picking winners in a bit!!

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