Chapter 2

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"Who, who are you?" Malcolm asks Iabard.
"I'm your relative," replies Iabard, "your grandson."
"Whoa!" Says a freaked out Eddie (Malcolm).
"I'm here to be a good guy, here for you and for Barry," adds Malcolm.
"To be a good guy," says Iabard, "I know. Let's get started."
"I'm good with that. Let's do this!" Says an excited Malcolm.

Iabard and Barry start Malcolm on training right away. Malcolm does amazingly at all his training and is soon sent on a starter mission with Barry there to help guide him along. Malcolm couldn't be happier than this. After all, working with his brother and reuniting with him is all he had ever dreamed and now his dream was reality.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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