Chapter 1: The Beginning; Part 2

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Part 2

     I glanced out the front windows of the school and saw the Chrys girl walking.

     "Hey i gotta go, parents want me home in 15 minutes," waving good bye, I grabbed my bag and dashed out entrance doors of the school trying to catch up to Little Miss Fuzzy Peach (calling her that because she wears a peach clip in her hair).

     "Where you walking to all on your lonesome?" I think I may have startled her because she jumped.

     "Walking home." She said firmly.

     "So am I. Wanna walk together instead of by yourself?" I asked. Her face went as red as her hair. I wasn't sure if she was socially awkward, scared of me or embarrassed by me I wasn't all that sure, back where I'm from I was considered to be really unattractive, so I'm 99.9% sure she didnt like me in a sexual way or anyway for that matter because heaven forbid if I'll ever even lay an eye on at least one titty that's not in a porno.

     "I mean if you wanna walk with me sure," She smiled. Red still remaining in her face.

     "So tell me a bit about yourself. You seem interesting," I wanted to hear her speak so badly. Her voice sounded like how a rose petal feels.

     "Well I'm not all that interesting, born and raised here, freshman year here obviously. 14 years old, birthday is in a few days, and I like to play chess even though I suck. That's about it," She acted like she was boring. Hah. Not to me she wasn't boring. "So what about you?" She asked.

     "Me? Well I moved here from the Dark region with my twin brother Finnegan. He's at home sick though. He can't handle plane rides and new surroundings too easily. I'm living with my older brother Renwick after family situations happened where Finnegan and I were forced to move here. I'm 15, male, obviously I'm not very curvaceous," she laughed a little. Probably at my little hip swing I did at 'Curvaceous' "So yeah, that's me in a nutshell."

     "Does your brother have uh," she pointed to her teeth.

     "Yes he has teeth." I said dumbly.

     "No, does he have" she pointed to her teeth again and made a grunt.

     I shrugged. "FANGS." She shouted.

     "Oooooooooh. No. He doesn't. Just me and Renwick do. It's a weird teeth thing that runs in my family, why do you ask?" I tried to hide the truth on what I really was. I had no idea who I was until I was about 12 when these jabbers of teeth grew in.

      "A teeth thing?" She raised her eyebrow. She was onto my attempted lie. "I think we both know what that 'teeth thing' is. Don't worry about it. Vampires are hot-" she stopped "Dogs. Vampires are hotdogs." She totally saved it.

     I couldn't help but laugh. "Hotdogs?" I have a chance, she said vampires are hot. Now all I had to do was try to find out if she liked me, and not the fact I was a vampire.

Near the End; Two FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now