Chapter 7

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Alyss woke up early. Will had left two days ago and she had been staying in the castle, next to Evanlyn's room. Evanlyn was still asleep when Alyss checked. Alyss went to the great hall to see if perhaps king Duncan were awake.

The only person in the hall was Halt. Gilan might be there to... Alyss wasnt sure, you never really knew when there was a ranger in the room. Halt was sitting at the large table, filling out some papers. A few guards were patroling the upper floors.

"Good morning Alyss." said Halt, without looking up. Alyss grabbed an apple from a fruit bowl.

"Good morning halt." She said with a smile. Halt took a drink of coffee.

"Looking for something?" asked Halt, glancing in her direction. She shook her head no.  She sat down at the table. Alyss took a bite out of the apple.

"Any news?" asked Alyss. Halt sighed.

"Somewhere else? yes. Here? No." Halt took another drink of coffee.

"Do you think Will is at Hallasholm yet?"

"Unless he can secretly fly, I doubt it." Gilan laughed behind Alyss, making her jump.

"I knew you were in here, just didn't know where." Gilan smiled and was going to say something, but Evanlyns door opened. Evanlyn stretched and yawned. She was still wearing her sleeping garments.

"Morning everyone." said Evanlyn sleepily. She sat at the table quietly. Halt started putting his papers into a small folder and walked away.


Been a while hasn't it? FORGIVE ME? Please vote and/or comment if you enjoyed. Stay awesome :)

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