Chapter Two: Ms.Scarlet

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Chapter Two

I knew who he was the second he walked through the door. He had made it so, painfully obvious. I was not the beautiful maiden he thought I was. I was a hired guard, and Rafes contact. Rafe had informed me he would be sending 'fresnh meat' my way- an untrained american thief. Obviously not ready for this sort of life.  I had been blending in when he'd walked in, a handsome tall American. Very out of place at a party for French royalty. In my usual way, I'd approached him. He'd told me some bullshit story about how he was old friends with Manuel. When I knew for a fact that Manuel had great animosity towards Americans and would never be 'old friends' with one. Yet, I let him continue with his lie. Maybe it would make this party more interesting. Anyway, pulling out a pistol on the dance floor wasn't the best way to stay in cover.So I lead him on, I would find a way to bust him- I had a pretty good idea of why he was here. It was well known that Vincent owned a priceless air loom those much more skilled then him had attempted to take it- myself included. I was getting ready to lure him away when Vincent interrupted us.

Vincent was a handsome man, turning 34- he was sleek for his age. Dark black hair and a dark completion. His facial hair groomed, and ebony hair pushed back off his slender face. "I want to thank you all for attending." He began. "It is an honor to have friends such as you..." I tuned him out when I noticed the rugged American that had been at my side was gone. I glanced around, my green eyes widely searching for him through the crowd. I spotted a coattail disappear behind one of the wood pillars holding the bridge that stretched across the ballroom up. I melted into the crowd, stalking behind him. By the time that I got to where he'd vanished up, he was gone. Manuel had given me a keycard. I used it on one of the doors going into the main wing of the house. I closed the door and began to remove my dress. I was dressed in black pants, lace up black boots and a white blouse. "How'd that son of a bitch climb up the polished wood in a suit." I muttered, turning a corner and sprinting up the stairs. I heard the sound of footsteps just ahead. I cocked my pistol and stalked my pray, this would have been easer if the idiot had just stayed with me- but he appeared to be smarter then I'd given him credit for.

He turned the corner and I heard a soft "Shit." Then continual muttering that I couldn't make out. I rounded the corner in time to see him vanish into a vent above the door. I opened it with my keycard and entered the treasury. It was a massive room, piled with various items. Worth more then I'd probably made in my entire life. I scanned the room, there where no vents anywhere in the actual treasury room- but there was a small side room. I walked to it, and found that It was locked from the other side with no key card access. "Shit." I whispered. Well hopefully he hasn't realized I'm following yet-

I heard the sound of shoes hitting carpet and I ducked behind a statue of a roman general. Holding my pistol up to my chest, the man walked into the room. Removing his mask after checking for cameras. The fool Manuel had none in here. In the center of the circular room sat a glass case with the airloom. A twentieth century family crest of the Vincent family. Any historian would pay top dollar for that thing- I'd tried to steal it before... Manuel was dense when it came to beautiful woman. I'd used my looks to get close to him, but he'd never left my side. So I never got my chance. My wolf like hunger for it almost over took me as I watched the thief reach the glass case. There was inferred sensors surrounding the case, and a silent alarm if anyone without a key tried to remove the glass. He was moving close to the inferred sensors when I finally decided to stop him. "Stop." I shouted. Pointing the gun at him and moving closer to him. "Oh shit- Wa... Wait. You!?" he stared. I let a small smile tease my lips. "I'm your contact, calm down" I chuckled. "I fit in pretty well, dont I?" I said to him, green eyes teaming with confidence. 

He took one step, eyeing me. "Powerful and sexy." He said. I smirked "Shut it." I stalked towards the prize. I could feel greed bubbling in my stomach like a powerful toxin. "That thing is worth billions. You know..." he said. "I hope you and your buddy Rafe are prepared to split it" I said.

 "Your Alaya Scarlet, you've stolen from plenty of men. Men who have to much, you didn't have much when you where little." He said. I stared "How do you know all that." I stepped up next to him, turning his head with my index finger. Seeing a tiny black earpiece nestled in the crease of his ear. I took it from him and placed it in mine. "Rafe, you piece of shit- where are you." The voice chuckled.  "Alaya Scarlet, Good to hear your still alive" I rolled my shoulders, Rafe and had known each other for a long time- He knew I was in the thievery business. "I cant belive you sent me this fool, as attractive as he is he stuck out like a sore thumb. Thank god that Manuel didnt spot him." I muttered to Rafe through the earpeice.

I  glanced over at the air loom. Manuel had done nothing in his life to earn the money he had, other then running across a oil patch- he was one of the 'lucky' ones. People work their whole lives and never get half as much money that he had sitting in that glass case. "Keep an eye out for that idiot, alright?" rafe said before I took the ear piece and threw it to the American standing across from me. "We better hurry, I'm sure Manuel's noticed that I'm gone." I snaked through the inferred lasers. Removing my small- very sharp- knife from my belt. Cutting a the top of the case off. Sam watched me, a smug grin on his face as I pulled the prize from the glass. I tossed the crest to him. "Lets get you the hell out of here."

He followed me to a window. "Why are you helping us." I glanced back at him. "What can I say, I'm a sucker for cute guys... and- I love taking from the rich and giving to the poor...Also, the hole contact thing 'ya know" I winked before jumping from the window and scaling down the side of the wall. I watched him follow behind me. "Are you with us now?" he asked. I shrugged. "Theres a lot more loot in there. I wouldn't say that I'm done- however. Some help might be nice." He grinned, taking me through the tall grass and up a small hill overlooking the manor. A man was sitting in the grass, with a pair of inferred goggles and a blue print. Sam tossed the prize to him. He stood up. "Well, Sam. You've out done yourself. Not only did you mange to bring me this priceless air loom- you brought along the master thief of only 21. Alaya Scarlet." He held out his hand to me, I shook it. Suddenly there was a shout and I saw a Guard at the open window. " o merde" I pushed the two forward shoving them away from the mansion. I heard someone shout my name. "Its Manuel- play along." I grabbed their arms. Winking at Sam then forcing him to the ground and holding my gun at Rafe. Rafe held his hands up as four armed guards along with Vincent raced up behind me. "Nice going Alaya- I knew I could count on you."

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