The Island Of Kuipo (Island of Love)

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******************************And I'm here to tell you my story. And a story it is... ***********************

*thinking to back then*

"Hey Soph!! Kenzie!!" Man. First day of Summer. I'm so glad school is out. I can't wait to get started with being with friends and going to the beach.

"Hey whatcha up to Angelique?" Sophie said taking a bite of her ice cream.

"Nothin' much. Just wanted to hang with you guys." I sat down on the bench next to Sophie. "Hey, why don't we go for a boat ride?!"

Sophie all of a sudden got a worried look on her face. "I-I don't really-"

"C'mon it'll be fun!! We never go on boat rides!! And plus, my uncle could lend us his speed boat."

"Yeah!" Kenzie joined in. "It'll be fun!"

"See!! That's the spirit Kenzie!!" I said high fiving her. Both of us started to yell, "Sophie, Sophie, Sophie, Sophie!"

"FINE!! Fine!! I'll go geez!!"

"YAY!!" Me and Kenzie screamed.

"Let's go!!" I said.

***~***~ ***~***~***~***~***~ ***

*at the docks*

"Thanks uncle!! We really appreciate it!!"

"No problem mija." My uncle gave me a hug and smiled at me. "Just be careful okay?"

"Don't worry I will." I smiled back at him. I looked at Sophie and Kenzie. "You ready guys?!"

Kenzie hopped onto the boat.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Sophie mumbled under her breath as she slowly stepped on.

"Oh c'mon Sophie. Get in the mood!!" I said to her while jumping on the boat.

If you're wondering why Sophie doesn't like water, she can't swim. She's always been afraid of water.

"So we've got everything right guy?" I said looking around the boat.

"Okay. Let's go!" I started the boat and took off. "So where do you guys wanna go?" I asked them.

"I don't know. You pick." Kenzie said.

I thought for a few minutes. "Hey! Why don't we go to the island?" I stopped the boat and turned to look at them. They both had worried looks on their faces. "What?" I said puzzled.

"Why do you want to go to Kuipo?" Kenzie asked.

"Why? What's wrong with it?"

"It's like haunted or something. I've heard of people going over there and not coming back." Sophie said.

"Guys, those are just myths! It's named 'The Island of Love' We'll be fine. Let's go!"

I started the boat on the way to Island of Kuipo. I turned back and saw Kenzie and Sophie staring at each other with worried expressions.

"We'll be okay guys. I promise."

****************************** Hey guys so I'll be updating again. More to come and I have a whole bunch of ideas!!! So please continue reading!!! -Angelique ******************************

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