Chapter 3- Which direction?

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A/N: Okay, People. Let's all just pretend that Zayn has a little brother even though in real life, he hasn't. That's all =]


Zayn's P.O.V

"Okay dad bye'" I hung up the phone

Why is dad always busy? he cant even have time with us. He always spend his time on his work.

"Is daddy coming?"Chris asked smiling widely, while tugging the hem of my shirt

"uhm. .actualy uhh. .no he cant come Chris" and his face dropped "but I'm coming with you"

"okay" he says weakly dragging himself to his room

"what time are you going at your friends house Chris?" I asked while wearing my white converse

"uhh Josh says we should be there around 7" he says while walking out of his room and looking up at the wall clock behind the door

"Okay then hurry up Chris its quarter to 7 now" I push him lightly back to his room

Seconds after Chris came out with a scarf wrapped around his neck,a jacket that loosely fits his body, a blue converse and a pair of blue gloves on his little hands because Its kind of chilly outside.

"Done" he smiles looking up at me

"Okay lets go then" I hold his hand and I placed him on the front sit of the car and set his seatbelt

I close the door then walk on the other side of the car on the driver seat and I also set my seatbelt on then I started the engine and start driving

"do you know where your friend's house is Chris?" I asked

"Yes. Its few blocks away from our coffee shop I'll give you the direction" he smiled

"Okay then" I shook my head chuckling

''where now Chris?" I stopped the car infront of our coffee shop

''uhh turn right. .no,no turn left, uh yeah thats right''

''turn right?'' I asked looking at him

''no silly,turn left'' he giggled

I just shook my head giggling also at him. His so cute when he giggled its also tempting you to giggle with him.

''Stop here Zayn'' he patted my arm

I stop the car and remove my seatbelt and same as Chris, we hopped out of the car.

Chris knocked on the wooden door and it was opened by a beautiful girl that has a long silky brown hair just below her chest and those gorgeous pair of blue eyes like the ocean. And I must say she was beautiful.

''uhh. you must be Josh friend,come in'' she says reffering to Chris who is infront of me and she smiled at me.

Chris just nod his head

Nikki's P.O.V *before Zayn and Chris arrive*

''Done'' I sighed and again lick the frosting that squirted on my finger.

''honey whe- wow your not bad at frosting cupcakes at all'' my mom laughed ''by the way honey,did you bring the packages that I asked you earlier this afternoon?''

''Oh Its in the coffee table mom'' I said pointing to the coffee table on the living room

''thanks hun, Im going to the office now bye'' mom leaves while carrying the packages

I flop myself down on the couch and watch t.v then I heard knocking on the door.When I opened it , standing there was a tall guy with a hazel brown eyes and a quiff black hair and I must say he is one cute guy and with him is he's brother I guess.

''uhh. you must be Josh friend,come in''

When Josh saw the kid he ran towards him and he gave him a bro hug.

''Hey!'' they said in the same time

''C'mon Chris I've got to show you something you know my pokemons already evolved'' Josh exitingly says while heading there way upstairs

''Cool'' Chris says with wide eyes

''uhh. .I gotta go now'' he says awkwardly

''Oh okay,bye'' he then leaves and I shut the door ,moments later 5 more kids arrived at the house for the sleepover

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