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I look up at the ceiling and rub my eyes. Crap did I fall asleep? I sit up and look at the couch next to me, i guess everyone fell asleep.

Patrick was quietly snoring in the chair next to me while Pete, Joe, and Andy, were wrapped around each other in some sort of cuddle puddle on the couch. I reach over the table and grab my phone, I definitely need a picture of this. I get up from my spot on the and walk over to them. I go to take the picture only to realize that I left my flash on. shit, the guys start to stir and yawn. I run back to my chair and quickly sit, just as Pete wakes up.

he pushes Joe off of him and moves to the other end of the couch as do the other two.

"Ha we must have fallen asleep" Pete exclaims with a rather large yawn.

"yeah, you guys did. its okay I finished the movie for you." I whisper.

"listen kitten, you and patrick were the first ones to go, we have proof, joe took a picture. So dont be givin me none of that." Pete laughs as he walks to the kitchen.

I look over at Patrick, he looks so adorable when hes asleep. should I wake him up? I mean I do have to go back home at some point. I lean over to his chair and give him a little nudge.

" Hey Patrick, you awake?" i whisper to him.

Patrick doesn't move. I get up and sit on the floor next to his chair,

"Patrick. psssst, you alive in there?" I ask shaking him a little harder this time.

he stirs and mumbles something under his breath. I poke him once more for good measure and he finally opens his eyes, giving my a groggy smirk.

" I think the hospital is probably wondering where I am, its almost 1 am" I say as Patrick stretches and finishes fully waking up.

" Nah its okay." Patrick says checking his phone.

"what do you mean?" I ask very confused by what he said.

Patrick stands up and walks over to turn off the television.

" I told them about an hour ago that you were really tired and you were just gunna crash at my place for the night considering its to late to drive now." he looks down at me smiling a little.

" uhhh.. okay, so like where am i gunna sleep then cuz if im being completely honest with you, im dead tired." I ask standing up looking around the flat.

Patrick looks around the room for a second then returns his attention to me.

" You can sleep in my room, if thats cool with you."

" but then where will you sleep?" I question, following patrick into the kitchen

" theres two beds in my room so its fine." he grabs a bottle of water gestures it towards me.

" no thanks im good, why do you have two beds in your room?" I ask

he laughs closing the fridge and walking out of the kitchen

"I got a new bed and i just haven't gotten around to getting rid of the old one so it jut serves as a stuff collector." He laughs to himself

We walk down the hall and i gawk at all the pictures and memorabilia they have hanging on the walls, patrick stops at the end of the hall and opens the door.

" this is my room, you can um sleep there and ill clear off this bed for myslef." he says as he shoves a whole bunch of clothes off of the bare mattress.

I laugh quietly at his dishevledness, and walk over to the bed he pointed to. its nice, it has a maroon comforter and black pillows and sheets. its extremely soft as well.

" This is nice" i say as i sit down "thanks for letting me stay here, you really didnt have to"

patrick looks up at me after finishing the sheet on the mattress.

"Its Really no problem, your fun to hang out with, you see me as a person and not just the lead singer of a band. i rarley ever get that sort of treatment any more. so i should be the one thanking you."

I smile and look down at the floor, he laughs and finishes making his bed then sits next to me.

"I i don't know about you but i'm beat" I say

"yeah i was just about to say the same thing" he laughs.

I look at patrick and think about all the fun we had today, and how I wish i could do this every day.

" Hey, uhh... I just wanted to say thank you for today, you have no idea how much this has meant to me."

He looks at me with a smile and pulls me into an unexpected hug.

" your very welcome. Id love to do this again sometime too."

Patrick pulls back and walks over to his bed shutting off the lights on the way,

" now lets get some sleep alright?" he states as he climbs into his bed.

I pull the blankets over my head and lay down on the sweet almost floral scented pillow, and close my eyes.

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