Stay Up Till The Lights Go Out

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(Authors Note: Sorry for taking forever to update this, I've had major writers block. But I'm back now, so enjoy)

It's been about an Two hours since we got here, Patrick and I were at the last exhibit. The space center. One of my second favorite things in this world.

"Hey is there anything you had in mind for after this?" Patrick asked as we walked around the room looking at the different planets.

"Ummm I don't think so, but I'll come up with something. Why?" I answer.

"Well, I was just thinking that maybe we could go get something to eat, I saw a cool restaurant on the way here that I wanna try."

"Yeah that'd be sweet!" I say, a little more excited than intended, but he just giggled and started poking at the various buttons on the exhibit.
I just kinda stared at him, I probably looked super creepy but I don't think he noticed. I'm still coming to terms that this is all actually happening, I was pulled out of my thoughts by he sound of Patrick's voice.

"And then um. . ."

"And then?" I asked a little to abruptly

He looked really confused and kind of offended at what I said. Oh god, what have I done, I didn't mean. . . Ugh I'm such an idiot.

" Well I mean if you want to go home that's fine, I just thought . . ." He trails off, rubbing the back of his neck nervously

" Nonononono, I didn't mean it like that, I just thought that you'd want to get rid of me as soon as possible ya know. I'm pretty lame, haha" I said shyly. I really hope I didn't hurt his feelings. God I'm such an idiot. . .

" Dude your not lame, your actually really cool ya know." He smiles, hitting my shoulder

I blush and look back at the plaque describing the atmosphere of Jupiter. He's so nice I just can't even.

I look back up at him, still blushing a little. "So what were you going to say, before I so rudely interrupted you?"

"Well I was gunna say that I had a little bit of a surprise for you after we get something to eat." He says as we walk out of the exhibit.

" A surprise you say?" I laugh, looking over at a giddy Patrick.

"Yep!" He chirps.

"Well, just forewarning you. I hate surprises." I sassed him, running a hand thru my hair.

He laughed and adjusted his fedora. "Well I'm almost 98.7 percent sure that your going to love this one."

"We'll see about that" I sass back.

We walk to the car in silence, but it's not an awkward silence. Just silence, we were both in our own thoughts and I was perfectly okay with that. Because honestly I was running out of things to say.

It turns out that I'm the one to break the silence.

"So where's this "cool place" you wanted to go?" I questioned as we both got in the car.

"Well." He said, as he started the car and began slowly backing out of our spot.

" I think it's some sort of Japanese restaurant, but I'm not really sure because the sign was in another language. But we will just have to find out!" He turns to me and smiles.

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