A Good Reason to Love

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Taking care of my family wasn’t the only reason why I couldn’t be with Brandon. I didn’t exactly tell you who he is or pretty much anything about him. Brandon’s 28 and he’s actually my cross-country coach. I love him so much. He’s buff and tall, but that’s not the reason why I like him. On the first day of school, I wanted to truly accomplish something. I wanted to make my daddy proud of me because I knew that in heaven, he was able to see me.

   I had my first cross-country meeting. We actually practiced to see who was eligible for joining. I didn’t instantly fall in love with Brandon. I had a good reason.

   I wasn’t that active on the first day. All that sitting around at home and being lazy, caught up with me. I tried running but I fell down and sprained my ankle. I couldn’t run as fast as I used to. 

   When I was laying on one of the nurse beds, Brandon came in and talked to me.

He told me that it was ok and that he’ll give me second change in about a week. He was about to leave when “Wait!”  He turned around. “Umm . . . Coach or I mean Mr. Dontelflort.” “You can call me Brandon” He replied “ Oh, ok Brandon” I struggled. Can I talk to you?” “Yeah sure.” He said in such a calming and loving voice. “Well, I don’t know if I can run.” “ Why not” He said, sounding very concerned,

   “Well, I’ve had these shoes for almost my whole life” He noticed them as they had holes and ripped ends. My shoes were naturally black, but you could tell the color had faded away, as now they were a brownish white, no not white, very ugly pale color. He had told me not to worry and that if I made it to cross-country next week, he would help me and run with me the whole way. This gave me goose bumps, He made me feel better. I WAS GOING TO GET INTO CROSS COUNTRY.

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