the crazy half breed

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Kagome walked away from the man and back twords the tree she was sitting in. He looked at her in confusion then started walking twords the Western lands. "Tell your son he has something coming Lord Inu No Taisho." She said looking at the moon. He stopped dead in his tracks and looks up at the talented girl then nodded his head. Inuyasha Sesshomaru's younger brother sat outside in the same tree Kagome was sitting ing listening to her. "What is it my brother has coming?" She looked at the half demon she knew Inuyasha for quite a while. "Its nothing he just wanted me for him and mate." She said looking away. Inuyasha grabbed her hand dragging her to the castle. Once they were there Sessharu was talking to the guards. Inuyasha brought her towards Sesshomaru. She reached behind her and took out her sword just in case. Inuyasha smiled and stopped making Sesshomaru look at him then t Kagome. "Inuyasha I don't want to be here I want to stay in forest." She said quietly that only Sesshomaru and Inuyahsa could hear. "Inuyasha leave now so I can talk with her."

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